Pure SQL - One line, two tables

  • Is the following possible by SQL alone, i.e. no cursors, want to see if you can do it by SQL alone.






    the tables are joined by TABLE1.ID and TABLE2.TABLE1_ID

    TABLE2 can have one or many records relating to a single record in TABLE1

    what I would like is a sql statement that would contain:

    TABLE1.ID,TABLE1.FIELD1,TABLE2.ID all on a single line where if there were many records in TABLE2 relating to TABLE1 they would be separated by a comma in the field.

    This is all to stop duplicate lines displayed where the only repeating factor would be differing ID's from TABLE2...... hope this makes sense



  • If this is only to stop duplicates from being displayed, you might want to try the code below. Displaying a comma separated list is harder and performes worse... Let me know if you want the code...


    -- Test data

    declare @TABLE1 table(ID int, FIELD1 varchar(10), FIELD2 varchar(10))

    declare @TABLE2 table(TABLE1_ID int, ID int)

    insert @TABLE1 select 1, 'a', 'b'

    insert @TABLE1 select 2, 'c', 'd'

    insert @TABLE2 select 1, 1

    insert @TABLE2 select 1, 2

    insert @TABLE2 select 1, 3

    insert @TABLE2 select 2, 1

    -- Select

    select t1.ID, t1.FIELD1, t1.FIELD2, min(t2.ID) as ID2

    from @TABLE1 t1 inner join @TABLE2 t2 on t1.ID = t2.TABLE1_ID

    group by t1.ID, t1.FIELD1, t1.FIELD2


  • the result of your test scipt is

    ID   FIELD1    FIELD2    ID2

    1      a          b            1

    2       c         d            1


    :  or something similar so that all values of table2 relating to table1 is on a single line

    so what I would like is :

    ID   FIELD1    FIELD2    ID2

    1      a          b            1,2,3

    2       c         d            1

  • Then try the following trick (which uses a function):

    -- Test data

    create table TABLE1 (ID int, FIELD1 varchar(10), FIELD2 varchar(10))


    create table TABLE2 (TABLE1_ID int, ID int)


    create function listValues(@ID int)

    returns varchar(8000)



     declare @STR varchar(8000)

     select @STR = ''

     select @STR = @STR + (case when @STR = '' then '' else ',' end) + cast(Id as varchar) from TABLE2 where TABLE1_ID = @ID order by Id

     return @STR



    insert TABLE1 select 1, 'a', 'b'

    insert TABLE1 select 2, 'c', 'd'

    insert TABLE2 select 1, 1

    insert TABLE2 select 1, 2

    insert TABLE2 select 1, 3

    insert TABLE2 select 2, 1

    -- Select

    select t1.ID, t1.FIELD1, t1.FIELD2, dbo.listValues(t1.ID) as ID2

    from TABLE1 t1 inner join TABLE2 t2 on t1.ID = t2.TABLE1_ID

    group by t1.ID, t1.FIELD1, t1.FIELD2

    drop function listValues


    drop table TABLE1


    drop table TABLE2


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