ntext comparison

  • Does anyone have a good solution to determining whether 2 ntext fields are the same?


  • I have a solution (Not really sure about the good Part )

    Do you need to do this on a whole table ( like a join) or do you need this on two columns on a single row?



    * Noel

  • Hi Noel

    Comparison is on 2 tables - same field.  Required functionality is:

    if Table(prev).ntextField <> Table(curr).ntextField

      process change


  • Select  T1.Pkey


    (Select  PKey,

      CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 0*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) + -- Use As many as your max( DataLength ) tells you

             CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 1*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) +

             CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 2*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) +

             CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 3*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) )   as ChK_Data

    from Table1

    ) T1


    (Select  PKey,

      CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 0*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) + -- Use As many as your max( DataLength ) tells you

             CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 1*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) +

             CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 2*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) +

             CHECKSUM( SUBSTRING( Col_ntext, ( 3*4000 ) + 1, 4000 ) ) as Chk_Data

    from Table2

    ) T2

    Where T1.ChkData <> T2.ChkData


    1. This asummes you have more that 4000 nchars on your ntext columns

    2. you Can use BINARY_CHECKSUM if you need case sensitive comparison

    3. If there is not a one to one PKey you can use FULL OUTER JOIN with a Coalesce

    4. I now is not pretty but never said it will be


    * Noel

  • Wouldn't it be simpler to use the numbers table to do the splitting of the text fields??

  • True You can simplify the above with a Numbers Table, Some People use  views with union all and CHECK_SUM_AGG and so forth. I just posted the Idea on how to go about it.

    Feel free to improve on that 


    * Noel

  • Thanks folks (particularly noel).

    I've eventually ended up with:


      distinct T1.PKey


      Table1 T1

        join  Table2 T2 on T1.PKey = T2.PKey

        cross join TblNumber N


      (N.Number = 1 and

      isnull(DATALENGTH(T1.NTextFld), 0) <> isnull(DATALENGTH(T2.NTextFld), 0)) or

      (N.Number <= DATALENGTH(T1.NTextFld)/4000 + 1 and

       CHECKSUM(SUBSTRING(T1.NTextFld, ((N.Number - 1) * 4000) + 1, 4000)) <>

       CHECKSUM(SUBSTRING(T2.NTextFld, ((N.Number - 1) * 4000) + 1, 4000)))

    to list PKeys of unmatched ntext fields.

    All the best.


  • I saw an example recently where they used the LIKE function to check for differences:

    If T1.NTextFld LIKE T2.NTextFld


            ...Do something


    Dave C

  • Hi Dave

    I think that LIKE is subject to the the normal varchar (8000)/nvarchar (4000) restriction - also in a case-insensitive env I'm not sure that LIKE will differientiate between 'AA' and 'aa'.

    Let me know if you think otherwise.



    PS I've changed the CHECKSUM to BINARY_CHECKSUM (in previous code) to get a case senstive comparison.

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