sql2k sp4 cluster can''t install Full-Text Search Engine

  • Hi all,
    I installed sql2k( ver 8.00.2039) on a 2-node cluster under WS2003(sp1) but after applying sp4 the Fullext cluster resource remains disabled and can't be brought online and the event log shows the following:
                An error occurred during the online operation for instance <SQL Server Fulltext>: 80070002 - The system cannot find the file specified. )
    the sqlsp log also lists the following relevant info:
    13:24:25 Begin:  InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMSSEARCH)
    13:24:25 InstallMSSearch instance: MSSQLSERVER
    13:24:25 Software\Microsoft\Search\Install:Version : 9.107.5512
    13:24:25 MSSearch 2.0 or greater version check returned -1
    13:24:25 Setup is installing the Microsoft Full-Text Search Engine ...
    13:24:25  "D:\SW\SQL 2000 SP4\x86\FullText\MSSearch\Search\SearchStp.exe" /s /a:SQLServer
    13:24:57 Process Exit Code: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
    .....(full logs can be provided if needed).
    I followed suggestions provided in KBs 304282 & 811024 but still unable to bring the fulltext resource online.
    I appreciate any suggestions and thanks in advance. 
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    the problem is resolved (thanks tp MS support).. it was because the file Gathrprm.Txt did not get installed to the shared folder - F:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\FTData\SQLServer\Config

    (file name wasn't displayed in the logs but was reported thru filemon & regmon). So, i copied the file from the cd to the folder and we brought the Full Text resource online and we were able to successfully bring the resource online and tested a successful forced failedover.

    {what led this file to disappear? .. i think it was when an iniatial sql setup (before applying sp4), failed but logs reported complete clean up was performed and re-run of setup was smooth and then proceeded with sp4 but ended up with the missing file problem. The initial log showed a timout related error so i remembered a similar issue (mentioned by B.Knight) dut to file& print not being enabled (in the nic properties) and it was disabled so once enabled the setup was smooth and proceeded with sp4 but later the missing file problem showed up}

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