Help with store proc query

  • I have 2 tables newPostSR and replySR

    In my Forum App i'm tring to get the last reply name and date to the LAST POST column.

    But i noticed my "ISNULL(max(ReplySR.Name),'-') as r_name," returns a good r_date but doesn't return

    the right r_name to it.

    Any help?


    CREATE  Procedure forumpost


        @VM nvarchar(255)



    SELECT newPostSR.postid,newPostSR.subject,, newPostSR.replies, newPostSR.views, newPostSR.dt, 

    isnull(max(ReplySR.ReplyID),'-') as ReplyID,

    ISNULL(max(ReplySR.Name),'-') as r_name,

    ISNULL(max(ReplySR.dt),'-') as r_date

           FROM newPostSR

    LEFT JOIN ReplySR ON( newPostSR.PostID = ReplySR.PostID)

    LEFT JOIN( SELECT PostID as postid, MAX(replyid) AS LatestDate

                               FROM ReplySR

                              GROUP BY PostID) LatestReply

              ON( ReplySR.PostID = LatestReply.PostID

                    AND ReplySR.replyid = LatestReply.LatestDate)

    WHERE newPostSR.PostID < @VM

    group by newPostSR.postid,newPostSR.subject,, newPostSR.replies, newPostSR.views, newPostSR.dt

    ORDER BY newpostSR.PostId DESC


  • Post DDL for tables involved, along with a few sample rows of data for each table and your desired output.

    Provide it in 'script' form so that it is easy to copy and paste into QA.


  • Try:

    SELECT newPostSR.postid,newPostSR.subject,newPostSR.nam 

            , newPostSR.replies,newPostSR.views,newPostSR.dt

            , ISNULL(ReplySR.ReplyID,'-') AS ReplyID

            , ISNULL(ReplySR.Name,'-') AS r_name

            , ISNULL(ReplySR.dt,'-') AS r_date

    FROM newPostSR

            LEFT JOIN (SELECT R.PostID,R.ReplyID,R.Name,R.dt

                    FROM ReplySR AS R

                            LEFT JOIN (SELECT PostID, MAX(replyid) AS replyid

                                    FROM ReplySR GROUP BY PostID) AS LatestReply

                            ON ReplySR.PostID = LatestReply.PostID

                                    AND ReplySR.replyid = LatestReply.replyid) AS ReplySR

                    GROUP BY R.PostID,R.ReplyID,R.Name,R.dt

            ON newPostSR.PostID = ReplySR.PostID

    WHERE newPostSR.PostID < @VM

    GROUP BY newPostSR.postid,newPostSR.subject,newPostSR.nam 



    ORDER BY newpostSR.PostId DESC

    Without data, it is tough to debug.


  • Thx guys.

    Will get back to you.


  • Thanks Kenneth  and David for the reply here is my DDL for the two tables

    CREATE TABLE [newpostSR] (

     [postid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [subject] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [nvarchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [dt] [nvarchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [message] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [replies] [smallint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_newpostSR_replies] DEFAULT (0),

     [views] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_newpostSR_views] DEFAULT (0)



    CREATE TABLE [replySR] (

     [replyid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [name] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [subject] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [nvarchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [dt] [nvarchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [message] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [postid] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_replySR_postid] DEFAULT (0)





  • Great, almost there.

    You need to supply a few rows of data for each table that demonstrates the problem you're having, and a display of your desired output from those sample rows.


  • I'm not able to put the correct code together without some sample data, but the problem is clear : your code uses 3 times MAX, for each value separately. Each MAX is therefore evaluated separately and independently; that means, instead of finding id, time and name of the lastest post, you find highest ID of all replies, latest time of all replies (which will probably be from the same post as highest ID in 99.9%, but you can't rely on it anyway) and highest name from all authors of replies - this will be wrong most of the time.

    What you need is to select name and time for the reply with highest ID... try David's code whether it helps. There may be some typo or misinterpretation, but generally it does what you need : joins the table ReplySR repeatedly to find the ID of last reply for each post first, and then in second step retrieves time and name that belongs to that ID.

    HTH, Vladan

  • I found some more time to juggle with it, here is the result. Mark that the GROUP BY clause (and MAX) is not necessary in the actual select. All grouping is done "inside", when finding the last reply ID. I omitted the @VM parameter, since I had no info about it - you can add it back easily.

    insert into newpostSR ([name], subject) values ('Carl','post1')

    insert into newpostSR ([name], subject) values ('JOHN','post2')

    insert into newpostSR ([name], subject) values ('Lina','post3')

    insert into replySR ([name], subject, dt, postid) values ('Samantha', 'good job', '20051010', 1)

    insert into replySR ([name], subject, dt, postid) values ('Carl', 'Wow', '20051011', 1)

    insert into replySR ([name], subject, dt, postid) values ('Dick', 'Hey hey', '20051011', 1)

    insert into replySR ([name], subject, dt, postid) values ('Jane', 'huh?', '20051012', 1)

    insert into replySR ([name], subject, dt, postid) values ('Audrey', 'thx', '20051012', 1)

    SELECT newPostSR.postid,newPostSR.subject,, newPostSR.replies, newPostSR.views, newPostSR.dt, 

    isnull(rep.ReplyID,'-') as ReplyID,

    ISNULL(rep.Name,'-') as r_name,

    ISNULL(rep.dt,'-') as r_date

    FROM newPostSR


     (SELECT PostID, MAX(replyid) as LatestID

      FROM ReplySR GROUP BY PostID) AS Q ON (newPostSR.PostID = Q.PostID)

    LEFT JOIN ReplySR rep ON Q.PostID = rep.PostID AND Q.LatestID = rep.replyID

    -- WHERE newPostSR.PostID < @VM

    ORDER BY newpostSR.PostId DESC


    3 post3 Lina 0 0 NULL 0 - -

    2 post2 JOHN 0 0 NULL 0 - -

    1 post1 Carl 0 0 NULL 5 Audrey 20051012

  • Thanks Vladan for the reply and everybody else who has been replying me.

    And after testing your Stored Proc it did the job.

    I have tested some rows against r_name and r_date and i'm getting the right data.

    Actually the funniest thing is that your Stored proc was much more less..

    Will test it more and feed you back..Thanks

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