TimeOut Expired

  • Hi Everybody..

    I having a problem here  can you just help me
    I am having an EXE built on .net which does the following
    1. Collects data from the database.
    2. Writes to a txt file
    3. Uploads the file to some FTP site
    There problem i am facing is .. the database part by retrieving the data itself...


    OpenDataset(ByVal mySql As String, ByVal myDB As String ) As DataTable

    Dim myDS As New DataTable

    Dim Conn2 As New SqlConnection("server=NLDBOWA12;database=" & myDB & ";uid=sa;pwd=XXXXXX; Connect Timeout = 900000")

    Dim mySQLDA As New SqlDataAdapter(mySql, Conn2)

    Dim mytrans As SqlTransaction

    mySQLDA.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text

    mySQLDA.Fill(myDS) - In this Area i am getting an Error as  "Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."

    OpenDataset = myDS


    End Function

    I am having a View which takes a long time to run .. it takes 2-3 mins for it to run ...

    CREATE VIEW dbo.V_AcerRM_HDA_AFRReport 


    SELECT    DISTINCT  ISNULL(AcerCSS.dbo.CODE_MASTER.ACM_CODE_VALUE, '*') AS Company, dbo.V_AcerRM_HDA_HDATicketBase.SerialNumber,  

                          AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs.DATETIMELASTMODIFIED , AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs.IDTicket, AcerCSS.dbo.COMPONENTFAILURE.CFLFGPARTNUMBER,  

                          AcerCSS.dbo.SPAREPARTRETURNS.SPRPARTNUMBER, AcerCSS.dbo.SPAREPARTRETURNS.SPRQTY, B.FailureCode + A.FailureCode AS ErrorCode,  

                          AcerCSS.dbo.PRODUCT_MASTER.PRM_MODEL, AcerCSS.dbo.PRODUCT_MASTER.PRM_SMALL_CLASS, AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs.IDLocation,  



                          AcerCSS.dbo.PRODUCT_MASTER INNER JOIN 

                          AcerCSS.dbo.FailureCodes B INNER JOIN 

                          AcerCSS.dbo.FailureCodes A ON B.IDFailureCode = A.IDParentFailureCode INNER JOIN 

                          dbo.V_AcerRM_HDA_HDATicketBase INNER JOIN 

                          AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs ON dbo.V_AcerRM_HDA_HDATicketBase.IDTicket = AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs.IDTicket INNER JOIN 

                          AcerCSS.dbo.COMPONENTFAILURE ON AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs.IDRepair = AcerCSS.dbo.COMPONENTFAILURE.IDREPAIR INNER JOIN 

                          AcerCSS.dbo.SPAREPARTRETURNS ON AcerCSS.dbo.Repairs.IDRepair = AcerCSS.dbo.SPAREPARTRETURNS.IDREPAIR AND  



                          = AcerCSS.dbo.COMPONENTFAILURE.CFLFGPARTNUMBER ON  

                          AcerCSS.dbo.CODE_MASTER.ACM_CHAR1 = dbo.V_AcerRM_HDA_HDATicketBase.Country   



     Do you guys have any idea .. what is going wrong where and how can i fix this...

  • Regardless of how this intereacts with .NET, your 1st priority is to ensure that it executes efficiently in T-SQL.  Have a look at (or post) the execution plan for the query (and DDL for related tables).  Eliminating the bottlenecks there will go a long way to solving your problem.

    How may rows of data do you have in these tables?


    ps....aliasing the tables with shorter names (a,b,c,d, etc) makes code a lot easier to read.

  • This is your bottleneck :



    AcerCSS.dbo.CODE_MASTER.ACM_CHAR1 = dbo.V_AcerRM_HDA_HDATicketBase.Country

    That join will force a table scan and that can't be fast (unless you have bery few rows).

    BTW, aliasing is a good idea but PLEASE use meaningfull alias, a,b,c,d mean nothing and that takes longer to debug the code because you always have to try to guess from which table the alias comes from.

  • Another item to look at (from what I can tell) is that the 1st couple of joined tables you have not defined the joins.  This can lead to performance problems and possible cartesian (cross-join) queries.....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • thanks Remi Gregoire

    That was a useful information .. and futher more on that .. is there any other way which i can avoid using the replace

    i have this .. on that AcerCSS.dbo.PRODUCT_MASTER.PRM_PART_NUMBER the information are stored with "." in it and on AcerCSS.dbo.COMPONENTFAILURE.CFLFGPARTNUMBER  i dont have them

    these are two matching column on which i can join... since i need both the information for my use..

    is there  any other way which i could use it.. can you help me on that....


    thanks in advance

    Arun karthik

  • Make a new calculated column (with the replaced version). Index it and use it in the join.

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