How to identify Ports used by SQL Server

  • How would I go about identifying which ports are used by SQL Server 2000 (SP3)? Also, how would I identify which ports are being used on the Windows 2000 Server?

    Thanks in advance for you help, Kevin

  • You can see it in Server Network Utility, select TCP/IP protocol and click Properties. Also, you can find it in the SQL Error Log, look for a line that starts "SQL Server listening on...", it tells the IP and port that the server is using.

    You can run in command prompt "netstat -a -o" to see all open ports and connections via TCP/IP to the server, it will also list the PID that opened the port.


  • Also, this free utility show the ports:


  • here is a script to run on your instances to find out what port it is using.



    token varchar(100),

    value varchar(20))


    DECLARE @inst varchar(200)

    DECLARE @inst1 varchar(100)

    --Determine registry path and key

    IF(charindex('\',@@servername) > 0)


      SELECT @inst = substring(@@servername,charindex('\',@@servername) ,50)

      SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server'+@inst+'\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

      --SELECT @inst1 = 'TcpDynamicPorts'

        SELECT @inst1 = 'TcpPort'




      if SUBSTRING(@@VERSION,23,1) = '7'


     SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\VIA'

     SELECT @inst1 = 'DefaultServerPort'




     SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

     SELECT @inst1 = 'DefaultPort'



    print @inst + '\\\\////'+ @inst1

    INSERT #GetPort

        EXEC master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @inst, @inst1

    SELECT substring(@@servername,1,25) as ServerName, value as port FROM #GetPort

    DROP TABLE #GetPort



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