Delete push subscription on SQL Server 2000

  • Hi,

    We have created replication from one production server to another backup server by using SQL scripts. These scripts have been generated by SQL Server after manual initial setup. When I ran these scripts they did not add the subscription for the backup server because a stored procedure were missing named something like sp_addsubscription. Therefore I ran the script on the production server and created the subscription manually on the backup server. But I made an error, I created a push subscription first but I should have created a pull subscription. Now I can't delete the push subscription. I don't even get a error message. I can't press delete and when right clicking on it I can only choose Help. The subscription has the following properties:

    Type: push

    Status: retrying

    Last action: The process could not connect to distributor 'PSERV'

    Replication type: Snapshot

    Anyone know how I can delete this push subscription on my backup server?



  • Try using sp_dropsubscription procedure... Check BOL for more details...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • BOL? What is that?




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