November 2, 2006 at 10:22 am
I'm doing an audit of indexes on several servers and would like to create a view that i could use in a stored procedure to gather into a temp table. The goal is to find duplicate indexes, and i'm following instructions found in an article on this site. I tried using a procedure, but learned that you can't create views in procedures. then I tried using the undocumented stored procedure for microsoft, sp_MSforeachdb , which can only take 128 characters as it's input. How can i do this, without sitting in query analyzer for hours messing around?
Thanks alot!
November 2, 2006 at 12:11 pm
Check the following article by Merrill
November 2, 2006 at 1:09 pm
thanks, but that is the article i was using.
November 2, 2006 at 10:01 pm
Here is how to embed the creation of the view within the sp_MSforeachdb proc.
Please note all quotes are single quote character (') that may be repeated up to four times. No double quote characters (") are used in the code below.
/* --------- start script --------- */
use ?
exec (''
CREATE VIEW vw_index_list AS
SELECT tbl.[name] AS TableName,
idx.[name] AS IndexName,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 1 ) AS col1,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 2 ) AS col2,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 3 ) AS col3,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 4 ) AS col4,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 5 ) AS col5,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 6 ) AS col6,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 7 ) AS col7,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 8 ) AS col8,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 9 ) AS col9,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 10 ) AS col10,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 11 ) AS col11,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 12 ) AS col12,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 13 ) AS col13,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 14 ) AS col14,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 15 ) AS col15,
INDEX_COL( tbl.[name], idx.indid, 16 ) AS col16,
FROM sysindexes idx
INNER JOIN sysobjects tbl ON idx.[id] = tbl.[id]
WHERE indid > 0
AND INDEXPROPERTY( tbl.[id], idx.[name], ''''IsStatistics'''') = 0
'' )
if @@error = 0
print ''created view in ?''
print ''failed to create view in ?'' + str (@@error)
/* --------- end script --------- */
Then to check that it has been created...
exec sp_MSforeachdb
' use ? select ''?'' [dbname],, o.crdate from sysobjects o where name like ''vw_index_list''
November 3, 2006 at 6:15 am
can't you just create a view and make the owner INFORMATION_SCHEMAS, so it shows up/is available everywhere? there's several articles and posts that mention doing that.
November 3, 2006 at 8:21 am
Thanks guys,
I'll look into the INFORMATION_SCHEMA route - seems the best. But thanks for the foreachdb tip too!
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