Zero Count

  • Probably a simple question:

    In a ticket support system I need the client name, and a count of the number of tickets they had open in the last month by ticket type.

    The trick is, I want to show a zero when no tickets of that type were opened. For instance:

    Client_Name Ticket_Type

    Client A 1

    Client A 3

    So how do I get the result set that shows '0' for Ticket_Type 2 for Client A?

    Thanks in advance

  • I had to play around a little, but substitue your table and column names appropriately and away you go



    , ticket

    , CASE WHEN ticket_count > 0 THEN ticket_count ELSE ticket_zero END





    , ticket_type

    , count(ticket_type) AS ticket_count



    left join ClientTicket

    on client_name = [name]

    group by


    , ticket_type

    ) AS Counts

    right JOIN




    , ticket

    , 0 AS ticket_zero



    cross join TicketType

    ) AS Zeros

    ON Zeros.[name] = Counts.[name]

    AND Zeros.ticket = Counts.ticket_type



    Life without beer is no life at all

    All beer is good, some beers are just better than others

  • Post your table structure, sample data and expected result.

    Without detail of your table structure, i can only guess that you will need a LEFT JOIN between the Client Table and the ticket table




    You can use the following Query !!!

    select client_name,count(*) from <table>

    group by dateadd(mm,-1,ticket_date)

    order by ticket_name


    i hope this would be your answer!!!

    which you are trying to ask.



  • Hopefully this will work for you:

    create table TicketType


    TicketTypeID int,

    TicketTypeDescription varchar(255)


    create table Client


    ClientID int,

    ClientName varchar(255)


    create table Ticket


    TicketID int,

    ClientID int,

    TicketTypeID int,

    TicketDate datetime


    insert TicketType values(1, 'Ticket_1')

    insert TicketType values(2, 'Ticket_2')

    insert TicketType values(3, 'Ticket_3')

    insert Client values(1, 'Client_1')

    insert Client values(2, 'Client_2')

    insert Ticket values(1, 1, 1, '02 Jan 2006') --Should be excluded because > 1 month ago

    insert Ticket values(2, 1, 1, '02 Feb 2006')

    insert Ticket values(3, 1, 1, '03 Feb 2006')

    insert Ticket values(4, 1, 3, '04 Feb 2006')

    select c.ClientName, tt.TicketTypeDescription, count(t.ticketID)

    from Client c

    cross join TicketType tt

    left outer join Ticket t

    on tt.TicketTypeID = t.TicketTypeID

    and c.ClientID = t.ClientID

    and t.TicketDate > dateadd(mm, -1, getDate())

    group by c.ClientName, tt.TicketTypeDescription

    order by c.ClientName, tt.TicketTypeDescription

  • Chris,

    Jeff is right on.  The LEFT JOIN is needed to include Clients w/o Tickets.  COUNTing ( t.TicketID ) as opposed to (*) is the other trick.

  • Finally got, had some issues with weird design, but your help got me where I needed to be.

    Thanks All!

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