CASE statement help

  • I am working with an application that can have mutiple exams.  When there are multiple exams I need to populate a attribute in result showing the date of the last failed exam.  I began to attempt to right a CASE statement but I have been failing. 

    Here is the layout of the result set:

    ApplicationId ExamID DateOfExam DateFailed    APIExamSequence NumOfApps  

    31992          70249     1999-11-27  2005-01-27   1                         2

    31992          230038   2005-02-27  2005-01-27   2                         2

    In the above example I need the second row column date failed to be equal to the dateofexam column.

    Any help is apprecatied.

  • Whats your ddl ?

    Mathew J Kulangara

  • Here is what I had:

    This is where I started to write the case statement.

    Select top 5


    A.Id as ExamId,



    /*'DateEffectiveFailed' = CASE

            WHEN NumOfApps = 1 And APIExamSequence = 1 THEN B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility 

            WHEN NumOfApps >1 And APIExamSequence = 2 THEN A.DateOfExam

       Else getdate()




    From CW_Exams A

    Inner Join CW_Applications B on A.ApplicationId = B.Id And B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility > '2004-12-31' And

       DateOfExam is not null

    Inner Join (Select ApplicationId, Count(*) as NumOfApps  

      From CW_Exams A

      Inner Join CW_Applications B on A.ApplicationId = B.Id And B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility > '2004-12-31' And

         DateOfExam is not null

      Group by ApplicationId) AppCount on A.ApplicationId = AppCount.ApplicationId

    INNER JOIN (SELECT     OrderId, InstanceId

                FROM          EC_OrderItems

                WHERE      InstanceId <> 0

                GROUP BY OrderId, InstanceId) C ON B.ID = C.InstanceId

    INNER JOIN EC_Orders D ON C.OrderId = D.ID

    --WHERE DateOfExam < DateStartEffectiveEligibility

    Order by A.ApplicationId

  • Try something like this:


    Select top 5


    A.Id as ExamId,



    IsNULL(Failure.LatestFailure, B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility) as DateEffectiveFailed



    From CW_Exams A

    Inner Join CW_Applications B on A.ApplicationId = B.Id And B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility > '2004-12-31' And

       DateOfExam is not null

    Inner Join (Select ApplicationId, Count(*) as NumOfApps 

                From CW_Exams A

                Inner Join CW_Applications B on A.ApplicationId = B.Id And B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility > '2004-12-31' And

                DateOfExam is not null

                Group by ApplicationId) AppCount on A.ApplicationId = AppCount.ApplicationId

    Left Outer Join (Select ApplicationId, max(DateOfExam) as LatestFailure 

                     From CW_Exams A

                     Inner Join CW_Applications B on A.ApplicationId = B.Id And B.DateStartEffectiveEligibility > '2004-12-31' And

                     DateOfExam is not null and FAILURE_INDICATOR = 1

                     Group by ApplicationId) Failure on A.ApplicationId = Failure.ApplicationId

    INNER JOIN (SELECT     OrderId, InstanceId

                FROM          EC_OrderItems

                WHERE      InstanceId <> 0

                GROUP BY OrderId, InstanceId) C ON B.ID = C.InstanceId

    INNER JOIN EC_Orders D ON C.OrderId = D.ID

    --WHERE DateOfExam < DateStartEffectiveEligibility

    Order by A.ApplicationId

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