recover from different server!

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to access the database backup file from different server.

    because it take lots of time to do the copy the back up and restore so want to restore database on test server directly from back up on prod servet. is this command right cuz it is not working?


       FROM '//prodserver\G:\backupfolder\backupfile'   


       MOVE 'testdb_data' TO 'D:\MyData\testdb_data.mdf',

       MOVE 'testdb_Log' TO 'D:\MyData\testdb_Log.ldf'

  • The FROM command has forward slashes instead of backslashes.

    Keep in mind the server is sensitive to network issues, so this might fail. A copy is probably worth the time since you could easily try this 2-3 times if the network hiccups.

  • it somehow doesnot work is there other command through query analyzer that can work?


  • also besides the forward slashes in the "FROM" clause ... "G:" (G colon) is not correct. A colon is not part of a valid UNC name either. If you are doing this as a local admin (best on both computers) then use "G$". However the network issues are going to definitely 'bite' you.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Another thing for speed - on a MS LAN it is significantly faster to map a drive letter to where you are copying from and copy via that (i.e NOT \\server\share\filename.bak but M:\filename.bak where M: is mapped to \\server\share) - this seems to be due to re-authentication occuring with UNC's during the copy.

    Also using trusty old xcopy is much faster than a straight drag n' drop in explorer

    I would probably write a little .bat file and xp_cmdshell it

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