Join On Null??

  • Hi i am havin a bit of trouble with the joins in this query as some of the values stored in the main table may be entered into the table as nulls so

    when i try to join the another table using these values it will not work an i dont get back any rows does anyone have eny ideas how to solve this problem

    Thanks in advance Tim


    select IsNull(p.firstName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.MiddleName+ ' ','') + IsNull(p.LastName,'') as Name, i.Diagnosis as Injury,

    SUBSTRING(CAST(i.Date as nvarchar), 0 ,12) as Date, im2.Name as Prognosis, imgoi.Name as GradOfInjury, impob.Name as PartOfBody,

    imtt.Name as TissueType, imact.Name as Activity, imsur.Name as Surface, imsurcon.Name as SurfaceCondidtions, imfw.Name as Footwear,

    'Recovered' = CASE WHEN i.Date IS NOT NULL and (i.DateRecovered IS NULL)

    THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END from injury i

    join Person p on p.Id = i.PersonID

    join InjuryMapping im2 on im2.ID = i.Prognosis

    join InjuryMapping imgoi on imgoi.ID = i.GradeOfInjury

    join InjuryMapping impob on impob.ID = i.PartOfBody

    join InjuryMapping imtt on imtt.ID = i.TissueType

    join InjuryMapping imact on imact.ID = i.Activity

    join InjuryMapping imsur on imsur.ID = i.Surface

    join InjuryMapping imsurcon on imsurcon.ID = i.SurfaceConditions

    join InjuryMapping imfw on imfw.ID = i.Footwear

    where (p.ID = 3 and i.ID = 87) or (p.ID = 7 and i.ID = 82)

    order by p.Lastname

  • use LEFT OUTER JOIN for any column that maybe null and check for null when ouput (as per p.firstName etc)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • so simple and yet so perfect... nice one thanks alot

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