Error during index rebuilds

  • I'm getting the following error during an index rebuild step:

    [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 1934: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'.

    This just started showing up "out of nowhere", in a database that has otherwise had no problems at all.

    Steve G.

  • I'm guessing that you're rebuilding the indexes using a maintenance plan, I've seen this sort of thing before when I used to use them.

    I've come to despise maintenance plans over the years and prefer to script each thing seperately so that I know when something is going to run.

    Just my thoughts but if you do a reindex without the plan then it would probably work.

  • Very curious. I'll try just scripting the DBCC command. What's odd is that this is happening halfway through the reindex process. I can see in the maintenence plan report that the reindex starts, runs for a while and then stops at the same place every time. Made me think it was somehow data related?

    Steve G.

  • Steve,

    We have had the same error occur on reindex step of a couple of our maintenance plans, and the error is a result of having an index on a computed column. The fix is to script the reindex job for those databases.



  • Now, that's an interesting detail. I do have a computed column in that table - but I've always had a computed column in that table. What's interesting is that the timeframe for when the reindex step started failing is co-incident with the time I updated that column definition. Also, neither the computed column nor the column the computation is based on are indexed...

    BTW - I'm in the process of scripting the reindexes using a script found on this site. Gotta love this place!! 😉

    Steve G.

  • Steve,

    Could the computed column possibly have a _WA* system created statistic on it? If so, I believe this also causes the index rebuild step of the maintenance plan to fail. Also, if you have a indexed view that uses the computed column, this could also cause the error.


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