64bit and bcp utility through xp_cmdshell in QA

  • I'm having issues using bcp through xp_cmdshell in Query Analyzer on a SQL 2000 64 bit machine.  When ran in Query Analyzer I get an error that the objects called in a select statement are invalid.

    Weird thing is, I can run a DTS using an Execute Process Task that calls the bcp tool and runs the same query and exports to a file.

    Anyone have this similar type issue?

  • You ought to post your actual syntax when asking a question like this. 

    From what little you've provided, I'm going to guess it has to do with quoted identifier being set on for your session and you're using double quotes?

  • Okay, here it is.  Again, if I run this from one of our 32 bit machines using a copy of the same db it works fine.  But on the 64 bit machine it returns an error saying the objects in the select query are invalid:


    @buf varchar(400),

    @exe varchar(30),

    @bcppath  varchar(250),

    @connectbuf varchar(50),

    @user           varchar(30),

    @pass  varchar(30),

    @res  int

    select  @exe = value

    from conf_var

    where name = 'bcpexe'

    select @exe '@exe'

    set @bcppath = '\\server\mserv\file\test\mserv0.msv'

    select  @user = value

    from conf_var

    where name = 'bcpuser'

    select @user '@user'

    if upper(@user) = 'TRUSTED'

     select @connectbuf = ' -T -c'


     select  @connectbuf = ' -U' + @user + ' -P' + @pass + ' -c'

    select @connectbuf '@connectbuf'

    select @buf = @exe + ' "select line80 from ' + db_name() + '..rec_output p, ' + db_name() + '..record_order o where upper(p.style_ind) = upper(o.rec) order by p.loan_no_alpha, o.ord" queryout ' + @bcppath + @connectbuf

    select @buf '@buf'

    exec @res = master..xp_cmdshell @buf--, NO_OUTPUT

    select @res '@res'

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