Get value from a stored proc

  • Hi,

    Trying to return a value from one stored proc to another.

    the first looks something like this

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_AddTest @name char(10), @id int output


    Insert into tbTest Values(@name)

    Set @id =  @@IDENTITY


    Then from another proc i want to to do something like

    declare @id

    select @id = exec usp_addtest 'bob'

    to return the @@identity

    is this possible? many thanks.

    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

  • declare @id

    exec usp_addtest 'bob', @id output

  • Your almost there.

    If your using sql_Server 2000 then use scope_identity() instead of @@identity. Look up scope_identity in books online if you want a brief explaination why.

    declare @id

    -- This will get you there

    exec usp_addtest 'bob', @id OUTPUT

    select @id

  • wow, that was quick guys!

    I was almost there, so close!

    Unfortunately we're still running v7.



    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

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