Application of Initial Snapshot Fails, Rolls Back

  • I am trying to replicate a 100GB database via transactional replication to another server for reporting purposes.  This has worked successfully in a test before, though I deleted the publication after the test.  Now, I can create the snapshot successfully, and the distribution agent applies the snapshot initially, but something is happening between that snapshot application and the creation of indexes on the subscriber -- I see the command "IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION".  And that's just what it does.  I have tried different subscribers and removing and re-adding replication from scratch (just in case it was a corrupt distribution database) but I keep getting the same results.  I plan on profiling this later, but does anyone know why such a scenario might happen, or things I can check out?  I tried to replicate a small subset and it went fine.

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  • Jeff - see the post Manual Syncronization and Maintain Consistency in this topic on this board. Likely what you'll need to do is apply the initial snapshot manually using backup / restore (or another means) and then manually syncronize the data.

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