Book on SQL programming from set approach

  • Hello,

    I need to learn how to write sql queries to query a relational database. I know the basics. I need to find a book that discusses sql queries from a Set theory approach. Not a procedural approach. Can anyone recommend a good book. I have heard of Joe Celko's book SQL for smarties. Is this the only one that exists or possibly the best one that exists?

    Thanks in advance, William

  • The book I use for teaching includes indepth set theory approach to SQL and relational systems and relational algebra. THis may be too academic a book for what you are looking for but once you understand this everything else is easy and you can objectively compare different database systems.

    Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, “ Fundamentals of Database Systems”


  • Alternatively, SQL Queries for Mere Mortals (Michael J. Hernandez, John L. Viescas) ISBN 0-201-43336-2

    This was recommended by tutors as a foundation prior to undertaking MCDBA cert.

  • You mean there's a book on a procedural approach to SQL Queries?  Something like "Cursors for Dummies"?

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