Optimization - Transferr. data from 1 to another table

  • Hi All,

    I have 2 tables T1 & T2.

    Data in T1 is as follows :

    Ln_no b_flag  Pkt_type  pkt_id

    1       'A'        0            1

    1       'A'        0            2

    2       'A'        1            1

    2       'A'        1            2

    1       'A'        3            1

    1       'A'        3            2

    2       'A'        3            3

    2       'A'        3            4

    Now i have 2 insert this data into another table T2.

    Ln_no b_flag 0_pkt  1_pkt  2_pkt  3_pkt  4_pkt

    1           'A'    1,2     NULL  NULL    1,2     NULL

    2           'A'    NULL  1,2     NULL    3,4     NULL    

    From table T1 data is inserted into table T2 based on the following logic:

    For a particular combination of Ln_No and b_flag for ex. 1 and 'A',

    one has combination of 0 pkt_type with pkt_ids 1&2, and 3 pkt_type - 1&2

    Now one row is inserted into T2 corresponding to a unique combination of

    Ln_no & b_flag...and the pkt ids corresponding to particular pkt_type are

    stored comma seperated...with 0_pkt correspondign to pkt_type 0,

    1_pkt corresp. to pkt_type 1 and so on so forth.

    In my logic i have to do a lot of looping to get the above results.

    Can someone pls suggest me a more effiecient way of transferring data

    from T1 TO T2 based on the above logic.

    Thanx in advance,




  • Hi,

    Is the Pkt_type and pkt_id is fixed (1 to 4)?



    Kindest Regards,


  • Hi Hari,

    Pkt_type is fixed from 0 to 5

    whereas pkt_id can be anything but in real time it will be from 1 to say max. 50...

  • Try this - the varchar(20) in the function can easily be changed to something else, e.g varchar(8000).


    create table T1(Ln_no int, b_flag char(1), Pkt_type int, pkt_id int)


    insert T1 select 1,      'A',       0,           1

    insert T1 select 1,      'A',       0,           2

    insert T1 select 2,      'A',       1,           1

    insert T1 select 2,      'A',       1,           2

    insert T1 select 1,      'A',       3,           1

    insert T1 select 1,      'A',       3,           2

    insert T1 select 2,      'A',       3,           3

    insert T1 select 2,      'A',       3,           4




    create function comb


     @Ln_no int,

     @b_flag char(1),

     @Pkt_type int


    returns varchar(20)



     declare @STR varchar(20)

     select @STR = ''

     select @STR = @STR + case when @STR = '' then '' else ',' end + cast(pkt_id as varchar)

     from T1 where Ln_no = @Ln_no and b_flag = @b_flag and Pkt_type = @Pkt_type order by pkt_id

     return case when @STR = '' then NULL else @STR end



    select Ln_no, b_flag, dbo.comb(Ln_no, b_flag, 0), dbo.comb(Ln_no, b_flag, 1), dbo.comb(Ln_no, b_flag, 2), dbo.comb(Ln_no, b_flag, 3), dbo.comb(Ln_no, b_flag, 4)

    from T1 group by Ln_no, b_flag

    drop function comb


    drop table T1


  • Hi Rajesh,

    This is the efficient solution that I can think of coz i used only one loop. if anyone else can come out with a better one, I'll happy to know.



    --Step 1

    create table #t1


    Ln_no int,

    b_flag  char(1),

    Pkt_type  int,

    pkt_id int


    insert into #t1 values (1,       'A',        0,            1)

    insert into #t1 values (1,       'A',        0,            2)

    insert into #t1 values (2,       'A',        1,            1)

    insert into #t1 values (2,       'A',        1,            2)

    insert into #t1 values (1,       'A',        3,            1)

    insert into #t1 values (1,       'A',        3,            2)

    insert into #t1 values (2,       'A',        3,            3)

    insert into #t1 values (2,       'A',        3,            4)

    --Step 2

    Create table #t2


    [id] int identity(1,1),

    Ln_no int,

    b_flag char(1),

    _0_pkt  varchar(250),

    _1_pkt  varchar(250),

    _2_pkt  varchar(250),

    _3_pkt  varchar(250),

    _4_pkt  varchar(250)


    --step 3

    insert into #t2 (ln_no,b_flag) select distinct ln_no,b_flag from #t1

    --step 4

    update #t2 set _0_pkt = null, _1_pkt = null, _2_pkt = null, _3_pkt = null, _4_pkt = null

    declare @tmp_ln_no int, @tmp_b_flag char(1),@pkt_str varchar(250), @max_id int,@cur_id int

    Select @max_id =  IDENT_CURRENT('#t2'),@cur_id=1

    while @cur_id <= @max_id


     Select @tmp_ln_no = ln_no, @tmp_b_flag = b_flag from #t2 where [id] = @cur_id


     Select @pkt_Str = ''

     Select @pkt_str = @pkt_str +  cast(pkt_id as varchar(3)) + ','

     From #t1 Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no And b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     and pkt_type=0


     update #t2

     Set _0_pkt = @pkt_Str

     Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no and b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     commit transaction


     Select @pkt_Str = ''

     Select @pkt_str = @pkt_str +  cast(pkt_id as varchar(3)) + ','

     From #t1 Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no And b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     and pkt_type=1


     update #t2

     Set _1_pkt = @pkt_Str

     Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no and b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     commit transaction


     Select @pkt_Str = ''

     Select @pkt_str = @pkt_str +  cast(pkt_id as varchar(3)) + ','

     From #t1 Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no And b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     and pkt_type=2


     update #t2

     Set _2_pkt = @pkt_Str

     Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no and b_flag = @tmp_b_flag


     Select @pkt_Str = ''

     Select @pkt_str = @pkt_str +  cast(pkt_id as varchar(3)) + ','

     From #t1 Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no And b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     and pkt_type=3


     update #t2

     Set _3_pkt = @pkt_Str

     Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no and b_flag = @tmp_b_flag


     Select @pkt_Str = ''

     Select @pkt_str = @pkt_str +  cast(pkt_id as varchar(3)) + ','

     From #t1 Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no And b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     and pkt_type=4


     update #t2

     Set _4_pkt = @pkt_Str

     Where ln_no = @tmp_ln_no and b_flag = @tmp_b_flag

     Set @cur_id = @cur_id + 1


    select * from #t2

    drop table #t1

    drop table #t2



    Kindest Regards,


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