Need some help on a sheduled DTS package

  • Problem:

    Created a DTS package to get information from a MSAccess Database. We used an ODBC to get access, and configured it to use the sysem.mdw (Security file). When we run the DTS package manual (meaning by right click/execute) the package runs and gets the data.

    We then scheduled the the DTS to run once a day. Now when executing this job we always get the same error.

    The user sqlserveragent is a domain administrator who has all the right to the drive/folder/file where the security and msaccess database are located.

    We have tried everything, but cannot find the solution for this problem.

    We know it can work because we have done this before, but (unfortunately) we did not documented it the last time.

    Is there someone who can help us..

    ***************** start of error message ****************

    Executed as user: Mydomain\sqlserveragent.

    DTSRun:  Loading...  

    DTSRun:  Executing...  

    DTSRun OnStart:  DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1  

    DTSRun OnError:  DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1, Error = -2147467259 (80004005)     

    Error string:  [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user. 

    Error source:  Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers     

    Help file:       

    Help context:  0     

    Error Detail Records:     

    Error:  -2147467259 (80004005);

    Provider Error:  1901 (76D)     

    Error string:       

    Error source:       

    Help file:       

    Help context:  0     

    DTSRun OnFinish:  DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1  

    DTSRun:  Package execution complete.  Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.

    ***************** end of error message ****************

    Version info

    MSSQL server version 2000 / SP4

    Windows standard server 2003 / SP1

    MSAccess version 97

    Windows standard server 2000 / SP4

  • Boy is THIS familiar. When Jet tries to get to the Access database it needs to know where the system database reference should be. That is typically a registry entry but is also something that you can define locally in the package.

    Take a look at the connection for MSAccess in your DTS package. Click on the Advanced tab. Look at the Jet OLEDB:System database entry. This needs to refer to the appropriate workgroup file (.MDW) for your Access database.

    Buy the ticket, take the ride. -- Hunter S. Thompson

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