Encrypt SSN in the database

  • All,

    We have a system whcih uses SSN as primary key and with no encryption.

    Any ideas on how to encrypt SSN in the database???

    Thanks in advance.


  • First of all move the PK.

    Then, Protegrity has a fairly seemless system, albeit $$$ (http://www.protegrity.com/)

    Netlib has something as well: http://www.netlib.com/sql-server-encryption.shtml

  • As in, create an identity column, or a GUID column, and make it your PK.  Then you can have an encrypted SSN stored in exactly one place.  When you need to look up the records for a particular SSN, you can encrypt it in the client code and use it to match the stored encrypted SSN - then use the identity PK to link to the rest of the tables...

  • Hi i need help can you help me with SSN database even site that i can be getting it i will really appreciate if you can get back to my message.

    If any member can help me out i will be happy

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