Problem with MergeConflicts

  • hi all,i am Unable to track all columns part  of the table structure contains userid and createdate columns.if any user from publisher side or subscriber side is trying to update the row then we will capture that userid and dateof updation for reference.Whenever a conflict occurs we are not able to view the useridinformation part of the conflicts. This is required for us to identify the source of the conflict We want to rule out the following assumptionsa) conflict can occur within subscriber or publisher when an update happens .In our merge replication process , conflict only occurs at update. NO conflicts during inserts.
    one case i observed is if two or more users accesing the same account and trying to update different column of same row the conflict is coming.i am using treat changes to the same column as a there is no chance to get any conflict of this type.
    please the database is in production i am unable to rectify this problem.
    awaiting for your response
  • Hi Reddy,

    First, you're right in some cases (tables with lots of columns) the conflict viewer won't show all the columns an gives an error.

    What you can do to compare the winning value with the loosing value is to run a SELECT query in QA on the conflict table.

    Something like SELECT * from MSConflict_tablename.

    The reason you get conflicts even if though users are updating different columns is the fact that you have the tracking columns for

    userid and createtime. Those are changed as well and that's where the conflict occurs.

    Hope this helps


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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