Need help on stock export

  • Hello everyone

    I have the following.

    Have a table Item_Inbound containing

    Item_Code, Units, Sub_Units, Status

    Need to create a new table ExportStock containing

    Item_Code, StockFree, StockBlocked



    Item_Code       Units      Sub_Units      Status

    A1200              100           10               1

    A1200               50            10               1

    A1200              100            10               2

    B1300               80             20               1

    C1400               60             12               2

    The table ExportStock should like

    Item_Code        StockFree           StockBlocked

    A1200                1500                      1000

    B1300                 1600                          0

    C1400                     0                         720

    I'm looking for a one stop solution to get from one table to the other...

    Can someone help me???



  • (Saving the Site Owners from some hard work)

    Answered in other thread

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