SQL Server logins related to Windows groups and database users...

  • Hi everybody,

    I have some question about SQL Server loginstrategies because I might not understand this right. Until now we just had some instances with databases having users authenticating at SQL Server level. That worked fine and after copying complete databases from production to test-environments I could resolve problems regarding sid's with sp_change_user_login.

    Lately we are getting more instances/databases with domainaccounts authenticating at Windows level. In this way, I recently discovered, this sp_change_users_login to correct mismatches in sids' is not working. The common advise is to drop and recreate the users, which is difficult because some of them own objects.

    So I started to read what might be the best implementation for security and handling logins. I read many advices like this:

    1. Create a Domain Group (global group).

    2. Create a local group on your server.

    3. Add your domain group into the local group on your server. (global groups into local groups).

    4. Add the local group (which was just populated with the global/domain group) in SQL.

    5. Assign appropriate privilages to the local group that you just added to SQL under logins.

    I'm trying to understand what's happening here. Is it right that in the end this local group is mapped to one SQL Server login and therefor every userconnection is using the same account in the database?

    It seems to me that in this way there can't be any objectcreation via separate usernames and there is no way that I can trace one usersession, because of the one SQL Server login I will never know which user it really is.

    Can somebody advise me about the best way handling this Windows authentication regarding global/local groups, having users create objects in their own schema and can I copy databases from production to test without having problems with sid's? (I don't wanna transfer logins, they already exists like t_account, a_account, p_account: I just have to copy a database and recreate the database users according to the environment?)

    Thanks in advance,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • When I restore a database to another server I use the following stored procedures to rectify the user SID etc. - I forget which one should be run first..:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Usp_fixusers

    -- This procedure will link the User Names from a restored database to the user names in the SQL Server



     DECLARE @username varchar(25)

     DECLARE fixusers CURSOR FOR

      SELECT UserName = name

       FROM sysusers

       WHERE issqluser = 1 and (sid is not null and sid <> 0x0)

        and suser_sname(sid) is null

       ORDER BY name

     OPEN fixusers

     FETCH NEXT FROM fixusers INTO @username



      EXEC sp_change_users_login 'update_one', @username, @username

      FETCH NEXT FROM fixusers INTO @username


     CLOSE fixusers

     DEALLOCATE fixusers




    The following precedure will create Local User Names (not domain names) from a restored database on the SQL Server

    EXEC fix_logins @random='RANDOM', @run='TEST'

    EXEC fix_logins @random='RANDOM', @run='RUN'


    CREATE proc dbo.Usp_fix_logins

     @random varchar(20)='',

     @run varchar(20)='TEST'



     set nocount on

     declare @no_users int

     declare @user_name sysname

     declare @dbname sysname

     declare @def_lang sysname

     declare @counter int

     declare @name sysname

     declare @sid varbinary(85)

     declare @PW varchar(20)

     if (upper(@run) <> 'RUN')


      print ''

      print '**************************'

      print '* Test Run *'

      print '**************************'

      print ''


     select @no_users = count(*)

      from sysusers


       sid <> 0x01 and

       sid <> 0x00 and

       sid is not NULL

     select @dbname = db_name(dbid) from master..sysprocesses where spid=@@spid

     select @def_lang =a.name

      from master..syslanguages a, master..sysconfigures b


       b.comment = 'default language' and

       b.value = a.langid

     select @counter=1

     declare sysusers_cursor cursor for

      select name, sid

       from sysusers


        sid <> 0x01 and

        sid <> 0x00 and

        sid is not NULL

       order by name

     open sysusers_cursor

     fetch next from sysusers_cursor into @name, @sid

     while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)


      select @counter=@counter + 1

      if (upper(@random) = 'RANDOM')


       select @PW=convert(varchar(50),RAND(@counter))

       select @PW=substring(@pw,3,5)




       select @PW='password'


      if (upper(@run) = 'RUN')


       exec sp_addlogin @name, @PW, @dbname, @def_lang, @sid


      select 'Adding Login: ', @name, @PW, @dbname, @def_lang, @sid

      fetch next from sysusers_cursor into @name, @sid


     close sysusers_cursor

     deallocate sysusers_cursor

     print 'master..syslogins:'

     select name, sid from master..syslogins order by name

     select @dbname=@dbname+'..sysusers'

     print ''

     print @dbname

     select name, sid

      from sysusers


       sid <> 0x01 and

       sid <> 0x00 and

       sid is not NULL

      order by name

     set nocount off



    When it comes to group access, simply create a Domain Group, add you users to that group, and then add the Domain Group to the SQL Server user list. You do not need to create a local group on the server.

    When users, who have access via group membership, log into the database, their access will appear as their own Username. If you use the "SQL Server Profiler", you'll see their own username access the database and not the Group Name.

    I hope this helps...


    Nic Wahsington

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