Date and Time Question

  • Hello Guys,

    I'm using ADO VB program to write data into SQL.

    I see that the date is formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' in my VB program. But when I look in the database, the format =


    I can't think of anything so get this right. Maybe there is

    someone who can help me with this??


  • I would check the collation of the database and the table and ensure that it is set to a collation that would give you the proper DATETIME format.

    I would also look at the regional settings on the SQL Server and ensure that the DATETIME format is set correctly as well.


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Very basically, dates and times are not STORED in SQL Server in any format (style). They are stored as an eight byte value.

    It's how they are DISPLAYED and inputted that cause the problems.

    Bottom line, the COLLATION of the database is how SQL Server interprets the datetime values for input (inserts and updates) and output (displaying).

    However, you can tell SQL Server how to interpret the values.

    For inputs, you include the command:


    The DMY can be changed to the proper order of your input (MDY, YMD, YDM)

    For outputs, you use the CONVERT command with the STYLE option:


    Refer to the BOL for more information on all of that.


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