VB6 - How to Capture result set from Stored Procedure

  • Hi

    I have a stored procedure (usp_Test) that accepts one parameter (@UserID) and returns a one column, one row result set.  The proc executes successfully in QA, with the expected result displaying.

    I have been unable to figure out how to call the proc from VB6.  I have been able to either get a result set out, or pass parameters in - not both at the same time.

    My VB Code:

    Dim ACommand As New ADODB.Command

    Dim Aprm As New ADODB.Parameter

    Dim objRecordset As ADODB.Recordset

    Set ACommand = New ADODB.Command

    ACommand.ActiveConnection = WScnn

    ACommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    ACommand.CommandText = "usp_Test"

    Set Aprm = ACommand.CreateParameter("@UserInitials", adVarChar, adParamInput, 10, UserInitials)

    ACommand.Parameters.Append Aprm

    Set objRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset

    objRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseServer 'i've tried adUseClient here too

    objRecordset.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly

    objRecordset.Open ACommand ' Open the Recordset

    Debug.Print objRecordset.RecordCount '<--- gets an error here; The error says "This operation is not allowed when the object is closed."  i also cannot reference .fields(0) etc.  Do I need to define an output param inside the proc?  If so, what should it look like?

    I know that the proc runs, as it performs an insert, and I can see the new row as expected.

    I'm tearing my hair out, and I'm running out fast...




  • Here's some sample code... I can make a new simpler one if you don't understand this one :

    sql code :

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchDependencies] @Search as varchar(256), @PkDB as int, @SaveSearch as bit = 0, @FkSearch_Results as int = null, @FkSearch as int = null output



    Declare @Results table (PkDependanceADP_SQL int primary key, ADPName varchar(100) not null, ObjName varchar(100) not null,

    DescTypeObj varchar(50) not null, ParentName varchar(128) not null, ParentXTypeName varchar(50) not null, ParentXType varchar(3) not null)

    set @FkSearch = (Select PkRechercheCode from dbo.RecherchesCode where Recherche = @Search and FkDB = @PkDB)

    --checks if the data has been updated since the search was performed and returns 1 if the search is still valid

    set @FkSearch = nullif(dbo.fnSearchIsStillValid (@FkSearch), 0)

    set @FkSearch_Results = nullif(dbo.fnSearchIsStillValid (@FkSearch_Results), 0)

    --this sets @FkSearch to null if both searchs are the same, which simply redisplays the recorded results since no further filtering will be performed anyways.

    set @FkSearch = nullif(@FkSearch, @FkSearch_Results)

    if @FkSearch is null and @FkSearch_Results is null


    --the search is not recorded and this is not a sub search

    if @SaveSearch = 1


    Insert into @Results (PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType)

    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_NewSearch (@Search, @PkDB)




    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_NewSearch (@Search, @PkDB)



    else if @FkSearch is not null and @FkSearch_Results is null


    --using the recorded results to send the results without refiltering the previous results

    if @SaveSearch = 1


    Insert into @Results (PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType)

    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_ResendResults(@FkSearch_Results)




    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_ResendResults(@FkSearch_Results)



    else if @FkSearch is null and @FkSearch_Results is not null


    --the search is not recorded, filtering the results of another search with a new search

    if @SaveSearch = 1


    Insert into @Results (PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType)

    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_FilterOldSearch(@Search, @PkDB, @FkSearch_Results)




    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_FilterOldSearch(@Search, @PkDB, @FkSearch_Results)



    else if @FkSearch is not null and @FkSearch_Results is not null


    --filtering the results of a search with the results of another search

    if @SaveSearch = 1


    Insert into @Results (PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType)

    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_MergeSearchs (@FkSearch, @FkSearch_Results)




    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType

    from dbo.fnSearchDependencies_MergeSearchs (@FkSearch, @FkSearch_Results)



    if @SaveSearch = 1


    --save the search

    if @FkSearch is null


    --create a new search and retrieve the id

    exec @FkSearch = dbo.AjouterRechercheCode @PkDB, @Search


    --save the results in the RRCDependances Table

    Insert into dbo.RRCDependances (FkRechercheCode, FkDependanceADP_SQL) (Select @FkSearch as FkRechercheCode, PkDependanceADP_SQL from @Results)

    --show the results

    --this must be reordered because the primary key changes the order from the view because the PK is PkDependanceADP_SQL instead of the 3 varchar fields.

    Select PkDependanceADP_SQL, ADPName, ObjName, DescTypeObj, ParentName, ParentXTypeName, ParentXType from @Results

    Order by ADPName, DescTypeObj, ObjName




    vb code :

    Private Function exec_SearchDependencies(ByVal Search As String, ByVal PkDB As Integer, ByVal SaveSearch As Boolean, ByVal FkSearch_Results As Integer, ByRef FkSearch As Integer, Optional ByRef ReturnValue As Integer) As ADODB.Recordset

    On Error GoTo Gestion

    Dim MyCmd As ADODB.Command

    Set MyCmd = New ADODB.Command

    MyCmd.CommandText = "dbo.SearchDependencies"

    MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Dim MyParam As ADODB.Parameter

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Direction = adParamReturnValue

    MyParam.Name = "@Return"

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@Search"

    MyParam.Value = Search

    MyParam.Size = 256

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@PkDB"

    MyParam.Value = PkDB

    MyParam.Size = 4

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@SaveSearch"

    MyParam.Value = SaveSearch

    MyParam.Size = 1

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adBoolean

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@FkSearch_Results"

    MyParam.Value = FkSearch_Results

    MyParam.Size = 4

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Set MyParam = New ADODB.Parameter

    MyParam.Name = "@FkSearch"

    MyParam.Value = FkSearch

    MyParam.Size = 4

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInputOutput

    MyParam.Type = adInteger

    MyCmd.Parameters.Append MyParam

    Dim MyRs As ADODB.Recordset

    Set MyRs = New ADODB.Recordset

    MyRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient


    MyCmd.ActiveConnection = MyCn

    MyRs.Open MyCmd, , adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    If MyRs.State = 1 Then

    Set exec_SearchDependencies = MyRs.Clone

    exec_SearchDependencies.ActiveConnection = Nothing


    Set exec_SearchDependencies = Nothing

    End If


    ReturnValue = CInt(MyCmd.Parameters("@Return").Value)

    FkSearch = MyCmd.Parameters("@FkSearch").Value

    DisposeRS MyRs

    Set MyParam = Nothing

    Set MyCmd = Nothing

    Exit Function


    ErrHandler ModuleName, Me.Name, "exec_SearchDependencies", Err

    MsgBox Err.Description & " : " & Err.Number

    End Function

  • Thanks heaps.

    That's exactly what I've been looking for.

  • HTH.

  • Maybe I'm missing something here, but shouldn't it be a lot easier than this?  If the SP truly has one parameter and returns a single row with a single column, couldn't you just do:

    Dim rs as New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim sql as String

    sql = "EXEC usp_Test @user-id=" & valueForParam

    rs.Open sql, WScnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

    valOfParam = rs("SingleFieldName")


    Of course you could add some code for checking rs.EOF in case the open doesn't yield a recordset (if the record matching the provided UserID isn't found) but that should add just a couple extra lines at the most.  Seemed to me that the other solutions are overcomplicated, but again I could be missing something...

  • The point you're missing is that I have a code generator .

    Anyways your version uses dynamic sql which is subject to injection attacks. The command objects cannot fall for such attacks and is also faster to run.

  • Whoa, bad idea. You're opening yourself up for a SQL injection attact with that code.

  • OK, how about this...

    Dim cmd as New ADODB.Command

    Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset

    With cmd

         .ActiveConnection = WScnn

         .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

         .CommandText = "usp_Test"

         .Parameters("@UserID") = valueForParam

         Set rs = .Execute

    End With

    valOfParam = rs("SingleFieldName")

    FWIW, I'm not sure my "dynamic" SQL is subject to injection attacks since I'm calling a SP.  As long as the SP doesn't in turn use dynamic SQL, everything should be OK.  The dynamic SQL of calling SELECTs, UPDATEs, etc from inside your code is what's most vulnerable as far as I know...

  • Think about it, you're concatenating text >>

    me.txtbox = '5; DROP TABLE X--'

    MyVar = "Exec dbo.MySP " & me.txtbox

    And boom, you're screwed (maybe that one doesn't work but I've seen it done).

  • WRT your original example, what if I set the value of valueForParam to the following?



    Naturally, that assumes I have priviliges to do a DROP PROCEDURE, but it illustrates the problem, I think. Problem is not the stored proc, it's the fact that you're building a dynamic SQL statement to execute it.

  • OK, I'm goign to stop double-teaming now.

  • No that's fine... the points get across better that way .

  • OK, I definitely follow.  I guess I just got wrapped around the fact that my apps rarely use user-entered data for queries like this.  When I do INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs, etc that take in a lot of user-entered data, I always use Command objects.  My "quick and dirty" recordset reads like I listed typically get their parameters from internal controls such as a button clicks, other RS's, etc.  I just scanned a bunch of my apps and tried the injection attack like you listed and nothing happened.  But I definitely see your point.  Oh well, the way ADO.NET and VB.NET work pretty much takes care of this.  My "quick and dirty" method is OBE...  Thanks for the reminder to always be careful with designing your code...

  • HTH. Don't forget that it's also faster to call RPC than sql batch (for a single operation).

  • I use ADO in VBA quite a lot to execute and return OUTPUT values.  From your original post it appears you need to execute the adodb.command.  You DO NOT need a recordset, merely assign the parameter value to a VB variable.


    Dim strParamReturnValue As String

    ACommand.Parameters.Append Aprm


    strParamReturnValue = APrm.Value



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