DBCC Reindex only tables that need it.

  • I am trying to put together something that I can schedule and either produce a script to run or run an DBCC Reindex on ONLY the tables that need reindexing. I have a large database with a ton of tables and I just don't want to rebuild all the indexes on all of the tables just the ones in dire need of it. The question is how. Does anyone have anything setup in their environment to do this ?

  • Maybe this will help (from today's articles) :

    Checking Your Database Fragmentation Level

  • Check out the scripts section too. Someone published a sctipt that would do a DBCC Showcontig on each table and then loop through them performing maintenance based on a fragmentation threshold. Sorry I couldn't remember the name of the script.

  • Or just open up BOL, goto the DBCC SHOWCONTIG help and Copy and Paste the code under E. Use DBCC SHOWCONTIG and DBCC INDEXDEFRAG to defragment the indexes in a database

    Happy DB-surfing

  • I have a script to do this. If you don't have any luck finding elsewhere, I can e-mail it to you. Let me know



  • See if this helps: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/maintain/ss2kidbp.mspx


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I have copied (probably somewhere from this site ) and used the following probably with some modifications from the original.


    CREATE TABLE AdminReindexDuration (

     DBName varchar (255) NULL ,

     DateStart datetime NULL ,

     DateEnd datetime NULL



    CREATE TABLE AdminReindexHist (

     DBName varchar (255) NULL ,

     ObjectName varchar (255) NULL ,

     ObjectOwner varchar (50) NULL ,

     ObjectId int NULL ,

     IndexName varchar (255) NULL ,

     ScanDensity decimal(18, 0) NULL ,

     dtDateTime datetime NULL CONSTRAINT DF_AdminReindexHist_dtDateTime DEFAULT (getdate())





    --sp_defragment_indexes 95.00

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_defragment_indexes @maxfrag DECIMAL



    This stored procedure checks index fragmentation in a database and defragments

    indexes whose scan densities fall below a specified threshold, @magfrag, which

    is passed to the SP. This SP was initially based on a code sample in SQL Server 2000

    Books Online.

    Must be run in the database to be defragmented.

    select * from AdminReindexDuration order by  dbname,datestart

    select * from AdminReindexHist


    -- Declare variables


    DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR (128)

    DECLARE @execstr VARCHAR (255)

    DECLARE @objectid INT

    DECLARE @objectowner VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @indexid INT


    DECLARE @indexname CHAR(255)

    DECLARE @dbname sysname

    DECLARE @tableid INT

    DECLARE @tableidchar VARCHAR(255)

    --check this is being run in a user database

    SELECT @dbname = db_name()

    -- IF @dbname IN ('master', 'msdb', 'model', 'tempdb')

    -- BEGIN

    -- PRINT 'This procedure should not be run in system databases.'

    -- RETURN

    -- END


    --begin Stage 1: checking fragmentation

    -- Declare cursor


     SELECT convert(varchar,so.id)

     FROM sysobjects so

     JOIN sysindexes si

     ON so.id = si.id

     WHERE so.type ='U'

     AND si.indid < 2

     AND si.rows > 0

    -- Create the temporary table to hold fragmentation information

    CREATE TABLE #fraglist (

    ObjectName CHAR (255),

    ObjectId INT,

    IndexName CHAR (255),

    IndexId INT,

    Lvl INT,

    CountPages INT,

    CountRows INT,

    MinRecSize INT,

    MaxRecSize INT,

    AvgRecSize INT,

    ForRecCount INT,

    Extents INT,

    ExtentSwitches INT,

    AvgFreeBytes INT,

    AvgPageDensity INT,

    ScanDensity DECIMAL,

    BestCount INT,

    ActualCount INT,

    LogicalFrag DECIMAL,

    ExtentFrag DECIMAL)

    -- Write to output start time for information purposes

    insert MASTER.DBO.AdminReindexDuration



    values (@dbname,GETDATE())

    -- Open the cursor

    OPEN tables

    -- Loop through all the tables in the database running dbcc showcontig on each one


    FROM tables

    INTO @tableidchar



    -- Do the showcontig of all indexes of the table

    INSERT INTO #fraglist



    FROM tables

    INTO @tableidchar


    -- Close and deallocate the cursor

    CLOSE tables

    DEALLOCATE tables

    -- Report the ouput of showcontig for results checking

    -- SELECT * FROM #fraglist



    FROM AdminReindexHist

    WHERE DBName = @dbname


    -- report of all tables to be reindexed

    INSERT Master.dbo.AdminReindexHist







    SELECT @dbname,

     ObjectName, ObjectOwner = user_name(so.uid), ObjectId, IndexName, ScanDensity

    FROM #fraglist f

    JOIN sysobjects so ON f.ObjectId=so.id

    WHERE ScanDensity <= @maxfrag

    AND INDEXPROPERTY (ObjectId, IndexName, 'IndexDepth') > 0

    -- Begin Stage 2: (defrag) declare cursor for list of indexes to be defragged


     SELECT ObjectName, ObjectOwner = user_name(so.uid), ObjectId, IndexName, ScanDensity

     FROM #fraglist f

     JOIN sysobjects so ON f.ObjectId=so.id

     WHERE ScanDensity <= @maxfrag

     AND INDEXPROPERTY (ObjectId, IndexName, 'IndexDepth') > 0

    -- Write to output start time for information purposes

    --SELECT 'Started defragmenting indexes at ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE())

    -- Open the cursor

    OPEN indexes

    -- Loop through the indexes


    FROM indexes

    INTO @tablename, @objectowner, @objectid, @indexname, @frag




    SELECT @execstr = 'DBCC DBREINDEX (''' + RTRIM(@objectowner) + '.' + RTRIM(@tablename) + '''' +

    ', ' + RTRIM(@indexname) + ') WITH NO_INFOMSGS'

    --SELECT 'Now executing: '


    EXEC (@execstr)



    FROM indexes

    INTO @tablename, @objectowner, @objectid, @indexname, @frag


    -- Close and deallocate the cursor

    CLOSE indexes

    DEALLOCATE indexes

    -- Report on finish time for information purposes

    --SELECT 'Finished defragmenting indexes at ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE())

    UPDATE MASTER.DBO.AdminReindexDuration

    SET DateEnd = GETDATE()

    WHERE DBName = @dbname

    AND DATEDIFF(DD,DateStart,GETDATE()) = 0

    -- Delete the temporary table

    DROP TABLE #fraglist



  • I created some tables to store the dbcc showcontig information.  Then i made a job that runs each night, and stores all this information in that table. 

    Then a while later, another job fires off that does a compare between today and yesterday.  When certain indexes reach a predetermined threshhold, they are defraged.  So each night, only the most offending indexes are defragged.  This has dramatically sped up the database server.

  • Ciao tjaybelt.

    Have I missed something? But why are you comparing the values to yesterdays values when you are checking the fragmentation level?

  • the showcontig simply gets the results and i store them each day. 

    I dont always defrag, based on the > 10% < 10% rule.  But with a deviation also.  So, an index can get out of whack, but if it didnt deviate too much, i dont redo it.  Initially it was just taking too much time to do too many indexes.  So a comparison was instituted to only to those that were the most offensive.

    Now, i realize that some will get out of whack and stay that way for a while.  But when it was taking hours to defrag all these indexes, it was inhibiting production processes occuring at night.  Its a 24/7 website, and often will get hit at night, when this process is going on.

    So, it was just a decision to only defrag the most changed indexes that fell out of the range.

    It just so happens that some of the largest tables, have bad development occuring, where massive amounts of data are deleted and reinserted.  Causing those indexes to get way out of whack.

    Does this justify my wierdness in comparing yesterdays to todays fragmentation levels?  Any ideas how i can do it better, i'd gladly hear.

  • Sounds like a good idea to me. The question really is wheater the server is allowing the production to keep on going without have too many indexes that could be causing performance degradation. But only you know the system well enough to answer that question.

  • Okay, then I see. But you say you have a production server 24/7 with bad development happening? What are the developers doing in the production DB in such an enviroment? Wouldn't be best to move them off to some development server?

    And maybe review the indexes... Maybe you could be better of having another index strategy? 


  • bad development has occurred in the past.  They do not have access to production.  But i have inherited this application and database.  As is.  wooohooo. 

    So, some of the ways that they deal with data is bad, which causes some indexes to get out of whack quite regularly. 

    And to answer the other question, yes, production can continue.  But it is affected if that particular index on a table is being defragged.  But since it is late at night, its less of a hassle than during the day.  Or at least, i am not awake to take the support calls on its slowness at that hour... haha



  • Greetings Andy,


    Can you please email me the script at dcelleri@kronos.com



    Dimas Celleri

    Orlando FL, USA

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