May 10, 2005 at 4:52 am
Hello everbody
I'm trying to configure SQL Server for a user to use xp_xmdshell
So I create a NT login (DWUSER/DWUSER) and then when I do:
xp_sqlagent_proxy_account 'SET','TIFDOM.COM', 'DWUSER', 'DWUSER'
It raises this error:
The revision level is unknown.
And I don't know why
I have SQL Server 2000 SP3,
select serverproperty('productlevel') -> SP3 select serverproperty('productversion') -> 8.00.760 select serverproperty('edition') -> Enterprise Edition
And the operating systmem is :
Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition
Can somebody help me , please??
Thanks in advance!
May 10, 2005 at 11:02 am
On the SET command the first parameter is (from BOL)
the name of the Windows domain containing the Windows user account specified in agent_username. agent_domain_name is nvarchar with no default.
'TIFDOM.COM' doesn't sound like a windows domain. Are you sure? If it is try putting N in front of all parameters as in:
xp_sqlagent_proxy_account 'SET',N'TIFDOM.COM', N'DWUSER', N'DWUSER'
as these fields are nvarchar, not varchar.
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