Error: 1222 Lock request time period exceeded

  • Error: 1222 Lock request time period exceeded

    I get this error when I try and expand the


        Current Activity

            Process Info     Menu in Enterprise Manager

    I have never seen this before and I'm not really sure where to go looking for the error code.  Nothing unusual in Event View Logs or SQL Server Logs..?????????????

  • I found this article:;en-us;308518

    but it's unclear to me if it's even something to worry about????

  • Hi,

    Try to run the system stored procedure sp_who2 in Query Analyzer to find out if a (dead) lock is present


    Type exec sp_who2 in Query Analyzer and hit [Enter]. Then look in the column BlkBy if a record shows a ProcesID. If so, you can kill the proces by typing

    kill {procid} [Enter]

    in Query Analyzer. {procid} is the number you would see in the column BlkBy when a lock is present

  • any one..

    pls healp... i got the same problem and did sp_who2 but BlkBy column returns only "." character..

  • OK, I think I can shed some light on this problem... Here is a quick script to identify SPIDs that are causing the "Error 1222: Lock request time out period exceeded." and/or "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." that was provided by Andrew Chen @

    select distinct object_name(a.rsc_objid), a.req_spid, b.loginame

    from master.dbo.syslockinfo a (nolock) join

    master.dbo.sysprocesses b (nolock) on a.req_spid=b.spid

    where object_name(a.rsc_objid) is not null

    This script will show which table was locked, the process that locked the table and the login name used by the process. Once you find out which process is locking a table, you can issue a "kill" on that SPID. The offending process will be causing a lock on the syscolumns, syscomments, and sysobjects tables.

    Also, what I found when running sp_who2 was that the offending process has a status of "sleeping" and a command of "AWAITING COMMAND". So, trying to find processes that are blocked and blocking (deadlocked) won't clear up the 1222 error.

    You'll have to use SQL Profiler and track down the offending SQL event/command.

    Good luck,

    Tom Henry

  • This was awesome. I have added my VB solution using ADO to help identify the req_spid.

    On Error GoTo errLockTable

    '1. determine if the tdatWeeklyDetail table is locked.

    '2. return the req_spid for this file

    '3. use the KILL command of the given req_spid

    Dim rstLockTable As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim cmdKillLockTable As ADODB.Command

    Dim strLockTable As String

    strLockTable = "SELECT DISTINCT a.req_spid" & vbLf & _

    "FROM Master.dbo.syslockinfo a (NOLOCK) JOIN Master.dbo.sysprocesses b (NOLOCK) ON a.req_spid=b.spid" & vbLf & _

    "WHERE Object_Name(a.rsc_objID)='tmakWeeklyDetail'"

    Set rstLockTable = New ADODB.Recordset

    rstLockTable.Open strLockTable, "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=KSA;Initial Catalog=TempDB;User Id=;Password=;"

    Set cmdKillLockTable = New ADODB.Command

    With cmdKillLockTable


    .ActiveConnection = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=KSA;Initial Catalog=TempDB;User Id=;Password=;"

    .CommandTimeout = 30

    .CommandText = "KILL " & rstLockTable.Fields("req_spid").Value


    End With

    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbLf & Err.Description


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