Urgent help needed with thoracic stuff

  • I'm in the middle of open heart surgery and I'm tring to figure out what this big floppy pink spunge-like thing is that we pulled out of this guy's chest.  (I mean it's really huge.)

    I'm not a doctor, but I got promoted at work from my position as janitor last week.  Anyway, they gave me this problem to work on, and he's on the operating table right now (it's really a mess in there)...

    Anyway, should I put this thing back in his chest? I mean, is it supposed to be there?  What do you guys normally do?  And how would you go about redesigning this?  And what's all the beeping -- oh wait, now it's stuck...


    Sorry, I decided I wanted to vent my ever so slight irritation at some of the posts I'm running across. 

    Sometimes you (Ok, "I") want to say, "Put the mouse down.  Now step away from the computer..."

    Never mind.  These aren't the droids you're looking for... move along.

    P.S. where is the "post here before you say something inappropriate forum"?

  • Umh? Sounds like a Dr. Bob episode from the Muppet Show.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • John,

    Got any links to some such threads? I'm all intrigued now (god I hope one of them isn't mine

    "Dear SSC, This SELECT thingummy...what's that do then?"

    Nice to laugh out loud so early in the morning!


  • As for the big floppy pink thing in the chest, go with the easy answer:

    When in doubt, leave it out!

    Works great when reassembling lawn mowers and other mechanical devices, don't see much difference with open heart surgery.

    Thanks for the early morning WTF post!

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • That big fluffy pink thing is his soul getting ready to go into the celestial light...Do this guy a favor and leave it out.


  • My personal favorite the the newbie who put in an urgent request for someone to do his late homework assignment.

  • None of you are helping the original poster! He needs our help now!

    John - Quick! Run out and by "Open Heart Surgery For Dummies" and read chapter 8, "That Floppy Pink Thing".



    Michael Lee


    Michael Lee

  • I used to work in the hospitals Neurosrgery Dept compiling CT and MRI scans into 3D models. No lie, in the operating room is a huge book titled "Neurosurgery" and there were lots of pages that were dog-eared down. I always got this pic in my head of them getting to a point, then stopping and saying "now what does that book say we should do?"

    Maybe you can find a book titled "Cardiology", just go to the index and look under pink.


  • Was the pink, a pantone colour or web safe? Have you considered asking the girl at the desk.

  • Actually the girl at the desk is holding this guy's chest open, she says the color is more of a 'coral'... Surely someone must have an answer that makes use of a cursor?

    If this is the Muppet Show, I want to be Scooter. Come to think of it, it is kinda like a continuing story of a software designer that's gone to the dogs...

  • Well then I'm Beaker. And it sounds like you really only need to "select one 'blob' field".

    Up here in canada theres a sql backend for heart surgury...


    but the link wants https and not http.. the webmasters arent too bright up here... but it could be the cold... then there's log in script but the site has many problems... must be still in beta... my guess is that we have the surgeons just not many good dba/webmasters... maybe I should apply to sort them out ... their javascript username /password checking code is open and by defintion client side.. can you say weak. Enough of my ranting ....MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP.

    Back to work.

  • John's original post here always makes me laugh when I come back to re-read it (which i do often).

    This article in particular reminded me of it: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/archive/0001/01/01/5248.aspx

    And don't miss the comments. Especially this one: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jeffs/archive/2005/05/24/5248.aspx#9132




  • what would chuck do?

  • the one thing chuck is best at...a roundhouse kick to the head!


    Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

  • Excuse yourself for the restroom, walk out and cut your resume.

    You need a new job!

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