urgent please

  • i have a flatfile with data which comes everyday. and sometimes the data in the flat

    file has some errors and i need to write a code which checks whether the file has errors

    or not. if it has errors then all the errors should be written to a temp table.


    rec.code          date         time        int_id

    23             20050921       122432    ABC233

    23             20050828       131411    ABC565

    23             20050326       122526    ABC333

    23             20050413       243453    ABC545

    Rec.code should be of size 2.its should be same. and if the date field does not have

    this format i.e if it has any characters it should generate an error. and the same with

    time field. and the int_id should have the first 3 characters the same. if it is not 'abc'

    it should generate an error.

    we should check each column and each row. i think i have to use cursor for this but

    not sure how to use it. will be thankful if anyone can help me out


  • It looks as if int_id is a Primary Key.  You could that with a WHILE loop and drop the need for a cursor.  Otherwise, you could make a Identity Field in your #TempTable and also drop the need for a cursor.  There is an awful lot of overhead to a cursor and they should be used very sparingly. 

    I would suggest you start looking at BOL [Books On-Line] for flow control.  For instance,

    IF ISDATE( date) = 1


              some action




              some other action


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.


    I would suggest that if the number of records is large you should not use cursors, use queries instead to search by column conditions

    For example

    you can insert in the error table all rows from this query

    select * from



          Len([Rec.code]) > 2 --Check Length


          isdate([date]) = 0 -- Check valid Date


          isdate ('1900-01-01 ' + left([time],2) + ':' + substring(time,3,2) + ':' + Right(time,2) ) = 0


          int_id not Like 'ABC%'

    once you have inserted those onthe temp just delete them from the staging table. Then you would write another query to aggregate the values across rows to check for multiple different values and repeat the process




    * Noel

  • Or you could delete them right away from your staging table using the same where condition, but using a delete trigger to do the insert on the error table... That way you only have to scan the data once.

  • OR if you follow the Trigger idea from Remi the use an INSTEAD OF insert trigger to insert the good rows on the detination table and the bad ones on the Error table and no delete will be necessary


    * Noel

  • That's why 2 heads are always better than one ...

    I'm not sure which solution would be better because they all seem pretty much the same but in different order...

  • Thanks a lot for ur help. these answers helped me a lot. please give me some more suggestions if any one can.

  • You don't need more... you just need to code now .

  • Unless performance becomes a major problem, I'd go with a script instead of a trigger - I think its more managable.

    Using Noel's suggestion, something along these lines might do it:

    -- Save the rows that contain errors

    INSERT ErrorTable

    SELECT *

      FROM StagingTable

     WHERE Len([Rec.code]) > 2 --Check Length

        OR IsDate([date]) = 0 -- Check valid Date

        OR IsDate ('1900-01-01 ' + Left([time],2) + ':' + Substring([time],3,2) + ':' + Right([time],2) ) = 0

        OR int_id NOT LIKE 'ABC%'

    -- Delete the rows that contain errors from the staging table

    DELETE StagingTable

     WHERE Len([Rec.code]) > 2 --Check Length

        OR IsDate([date]) = 0 -- Check valid Date

        OR IsDate ('1900-01-01 ' + Left([time],2) + ':' + Substring([time],3,2) + ':' + Right([time],2) ) = 0

        OR int_id NOT LIKE 'ABC%'

    Also, if you MUST process the data row by row, and you have a primary key, you can use a WHILE loop instead of a cursor. Here's an example:

    --DROP TABLE StagingTable


    CREATE TABLE StagingTable


      int_id varchar(6) PRIMARY KEY

    , stVal varchar(20) NOT NULL



    INSERT StagingTable VALUES ('ABC123', 'Value for 123')

    INSERT StagingTable VALUES ('ABC234', 'Value for 234')

    INSERT StagingTable VALUES ('ABC345', 'Value for 345')

    INSERT StagingTable VALUES ('ABC456', 'Value for 456')

    INSERT StagingTable VALUES ('ABC567', 'Value for 567')


    DECLARE @int_id varchar(6) -- or whatever size is needed

          , @stVal varchar(20)

          , @rowCount int

    SELECT @int_id = Min(int_id) FROM StagingTable

    SET @rowCount = 0

    WHILE @int_id IS NOT NULL


      SET @rowCount = @rowCount + 1

      SELECT @stVal = stVal FROM StagingTable WHERE int_id = @int_id

      PRINT @int_id + ' : ' + @stVal

      -- Get the next row

      SELECT @int_id = Min(int_id) FROM StagingTable WHERE int_id > @int_id


    PRINT 'Processed ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @rowCount) + ' row(s).'

  • We were simply suggesting the trigger solution because it would avoid doing this complexe condition twice in a row :

    WHERE Len([Rec.code]) > 2 --Check Length

    OR IsDate([date]) = 0 -- Check valid Date

    OR IsDate ('1900-01-01 ' + Left([time],2) + ':' + Substring([time],3,2) + ':' + Right([time],2) ) = 0

    OR int_id NOT LIKE 'ABC%'

  • thanks a lot for ur replies. this code helped me a lot.

    have a simple question. i have an address field in my table and if any time

    the address of the person changes i need to know that the address of the particular

    person has changed and i have to update it in the database.

  • You'll have to put a trigger on that table, and when the field(s) of the adress are changed, you'll have to insert the old data in another table to keep an audit trail.

  • hi.........

    i need to select count from one table and compare with the count in other table.

    i mean

    if select count (*) from table1= select count(*) from table2

    need to continue with in next operation. can u help me how to query this.

    will be thankful if anyone can help me out

  • Not sure of what you really want to do here but this could work :

    if (Select count(*) from dbo.SysColumns) = (Select count(*) from dbo.SysObjects)


    --do your thing




    --do your thing


  • thank u this is what i want. igot it

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