Difficult Task(a query unable to make any sense)

  • i am newly appointed person in a company, a person who was working before me, has left the job without notice /without any documents

    iam being given one task which iam difficult to understand, iam given one stored procedure and i had been ask, to tell what this stored procedure does

    so far 3 days have passed iam unable to understand anything


    iam posting the procedure and schema of tables below

    ===========Stored procedure=============




    -- sp_mfund_upt_rm_dtsrc_cams 'CAMS'

    CREATE    PROCEDURE [sp_mfund_upt_rm_dtsrc_cams]

     @data_source_cd varchar(10)


     set @data_source_cd = 'cams'

     select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,a.rm_cd,a.branch_cd into #tmp1

     from mftrans a WHERE 1=2

     select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,a.rm_cd,a.branch_cd into #tmp2

     from mftrans a WHERE 1=2

     INSERT INTO #tmp1

     select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,a.rm_cd,a.branch_cd

     from mftrans a join rm b on a.rm_cd = b.rm_cd

      where b.type = 's' and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd

     --and ltrim(rtrim(folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(product_CD)) in (select distinct ltrim(rtrim(folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(product_CD)) from mfdump)

     order by folio_no,product_cd,  trade_dt desc


     INSERT INTO #tmp2

     select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,a.rm_cd,a.branch_cd

     from mftrans a join rm b on a.rm_cd = b.rm_cd

     --and ltrim(rtrim(folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(product_CD)) in (select distinct ltrim(rtrim(folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(product_CD)) from mfdump)

      where b.type = 'g' and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd order by folio_no,product_cd,  trade_dt desc


     update mftrans set rm_cd = R.rm_cd ,branch_cd = R.branch_Cd

     from (select folio_no,product_cd,min(rm_cd) as rm_cd,min(branch_cd) as branch_cd

      from #tmp1 group by folio_no,product_cd

      having count(distinct rm_cd) = 1 )R , rm c

     where mftrans.folio_no = R.folio_no and mftrans.product_cd = R.product_cd

     and mftrans.rm_cd = c.rm_cd and c.type <> 's' --and mftrans.folio_no = '100230/10'

     and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd


     update mftrans set rm_cd = R.rm,branch_cd =  branch



     select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,b.rm_cd as rm,b.branch_cd as branch

     from mftrans a join #tmp1 b

     on a.folio_no = b.folio_no and a.product_cd = b.product_cd

     and a.trade_dt >= b.trade_Dt --and a.folio_no = '100230/10'

     join (select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,max(b.trade_dt) as mx_dt from mftrans a

      join #tmp1 b

      on a.folio_no = b.folio_no and a.product_cd = b.product_cd

      and a.trade_dt >= b.trade_Dt

      left join rm c on a.rm_cd = c.rm_cd

      where a.rm_cd  <> b.rm_cd --and a.folio_no = '100230/10'

      and c.type <> 's'

      and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd

      group by a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt

     &nbsp DT on a.folio_no = DT.folio_no and a.product_cd = DT.product_cd and DT.trade_dt = a.trade_dt

     and DT.mx_Dt = b.trade_dt

     left join rm c on a.rm_cd = c.rm_cd

     where a.rm_cd <> b.rm_cd --and a.folio_no = '100230/10'

     and c.type <> 's'

     and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd

     --order by a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt asc,b.trade_dt desc

    &nbsp R

     where mftrans.folio_no = R.folio_no and mftrans.product_cd = R.product_cd and mftrans.trade_dt = R.trade_dt

     --and mftrans.folio_no = '100230/10'


     update mftrans set rm_cd = R.rm , branch_cd =  branch



     select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,b.rm_cd as rm,b.branch_cd as branch

     from mftrans a join #tmp2 b

     on a.folio_no = b.folio_no and a.product_cd = b.product_cd

     and a.trade_dt >= b.trade_Dt --and a.folio_no = '100230/10'

     join (select a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt,max(b.trade_dt) as mx_dt from mftrans a

      join #tmp2 b

      on a.folio_no = b.folio_no and a.product_cd = b.product_cd

      and a.trade_dt >= b.trade_Dt

      left join rm c on a.rm_cd = c.rm_cd

      where a.rm_cd <> b.rm_cd --and a.folio_no = '100230/10'

      --and c.type = 'g'

      and (ltrim(rtrim(a.rm_Cd)) = '0' or a.rm_cd is null)

      and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd

      group by a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt

     &nbsp DT on a.folio_no = DT.folio_no and a.product_cd = DT.product_cd and DT.trade_dt = a.trade_dt

     and DT.mx_Dt = b.trade_dt

     left join rm c on a.rm_cd = c.rm_cd

     where a.rm_cd <> b.rm_cd --and a.folio_no = '100230/10'

     --and c.type = 'g'

     and (ltrim(rtrim(a.rm_Cd)) = '0' or a.rm_cd is null)

     and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd

     --order by a.folio_no,a.product_cd,a.trade_dt asc,b.trade_dt desc


     where mftrans.folio_no = R.folio_no and mftrans.product_cd = R.product_cd and mftrans.trade_dt = R.trade_dt

    -- and mftrans.folio_no = '100230/10'

     update mftrans set rm_cd = r.rm_cd from

     (select max(rm_cd) as rm_cd ,folio_no , product_cd from mftrans where ltrim(rtrim(folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(product_cd))


     (select ltrim(rtrim(folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(product_cd)) from mftrans where rm_cd = '0'

     and data_source_cd = @data_source_cd )

     and rm_cd <> '0' and

     data_source_cd = @data_source_cd group by folio_no , product_cd) r 

     where  mftrans.rm_cd = '0' and mftrans.subbroker_Cd is null and

     ltrim(rtrim(mftrans.folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(mftrans.product_cd)) = ltrim(rtrim(r.folio_no))+ltrim(rtrim(r.product_cd))

     and mftrans.transaction_type in(select transaction_type from transactiontype where transaction_effect = 'add')

    --// Now Update the rm_cd for transactions which are updated manually.

      select distinct A.AMC_CD ,a.folio_no , a.product_cd , A.rm_Cd , a.update_datetime

      INTO #TMP

      from mftrans_rm  a WHERE 1=2



      select distinct A.AMC_CD ,a.folio_no , a.product_cd , A.rm_Cd , a.update_datetime

      from mftrans_rm  a join

       (select A.amc_cd,folio_no,product_cd ,max(update_datetime) as upt_dttime

       from mftrans_rm a join amc b on a.amc_Cd = b.amc_Cd

       where registrar = @data_source_cd

       group by A.amc_cd,folio_no,product_cd ) B

      on a.amc_cd = b.amc_Cd and a.folio_no = b.folio_no and a.product_cd  = b.product_Cd

             and a.update_datetime = b.upt_dttime


      update mftrans set rm_cd = R.rm_cd , BRANCH_CD = R.BRANCH_CD from


      where mftrans.amc_cd = R.amc_cd and mftrans.folio_no = R.folio_no

      and mftrans.product_cd = R.product_cd 

      AND MFTRANS.data_source_cd = @data_source_cd

     -- added by anish on 27/05/2003



      and MFTRANS.branch_cd = 'NA'


      FROM RM


      AND MFTRANS.BRANCH_CD = 'NA' AND MFTRANS.RM_CD <> '0' and ltrim(rtrim(MFTRANS.RM_CD)) = ''


      UPDATE MFTRANS SET branch_cd = RM.branch_cd

      FROM RM

      WHERE MFTRANS.rm_cd = RM.rm_cd



     update mftrans set rm_cd = R.rm_cd from

     (select a.* from mftrans_rm a join

     (select amc_cd,folio_no,product_cd , max(update_datetime) as upt_dttime from mftrans_rm

     group by amc_cd,folio_no,product_cd) B

     on a.amc_cd = B.amc_cd and a.folio_no = B.folio_no and a.product_cd = B.product_cd 

      and a.update_datetime = B.upt_dttime )R

     where mftrans.amc_cd = R.amc_cd and mftrans.folio_no = R.folio_no and mftrans.product_cd = R.product_cd 

     AND MFTRANS.data_source_cd = @data_source_cd



     update mftrans set rm_cd = R.rm_cd from

     (select a.* from mftrans_rm a join (select amc_cd,folio_no,product_cd,transaction_type,transaction_no,transaction_mode,trade_dt,max(update_datetime) as upt_dttime from mftrans_rm

     group by amc_cd,folio_no,product_cd,transaction_type,transaction_no,transaction_mode,trade_dt) B

     on a.amc_cd = B.amc_cd and a.folio_no = B.folio_no and a.product_cd = B.product_cd  and a.transaction_type =B.transaction_type

      and a.transaction_no = B.transaction_no and a.transaction_mode = B.transaction_mode and a.trade_dt=B.trade_dt

      and a.update_datetime = B.upt_dttime )R

     where mftrans.amc_cd = R.amc_cd and mftrans.folio_no = R.folio_no and mftrans.product_cd = R.product_cd 

     and mftrans.transaction_type =R.transaction_type and mftrans.transaction_no = R.transaction_no

     and mftrans.transaction_mode = R.transaction_mode

     and mftrans.trade_dt=R.trade_dt

     AND MFTRANS.data_source_cd = @data_source_cd





    -- exec procdatasourceuploadstatus 'I', @data_source_cd




    ======schema of mftrans table===

    Name                                                                                                                             Owner                                                                                                                            Type                            Created_datetime                                      

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

    mftrans                                                                                                                          dbo                                                                                                                              user table                      2005-08-08 19:13:37.540



    Column_name                                                                                                                      Type                                                                                                                             Computed                            Length      Prec  Scale Nullable                            TrimTrailingBlanks                  FixedLenNullInSource                Collation                                                                                                                       

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    mftrans_no                                                                                                                       int                                                                                                                              no                                  4           10    0     no                                  (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    amc_cd                                                                                                                           char                                                                                                                             no                                  5                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    folio_no                                                                                                                         varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  50                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    product_cd                                                                                                                       char                                                                                                                             no                                  15                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    investor_nm                                                                                                                      varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  100                     yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_type                                                                                                                 char                                                                                                                             no                                  50                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_no                                                                                                                   varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_mode                                                                                                                 char                                                                                                                             no                                  1                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_status                                                                                                               char                                                                                                                             no                                  1                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    source_cd                                                                                                                        char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    sourceserail_no                                                                                                                  char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    trade_dt                                                                                                                         datetime                                                                                                                         no                                  8                       yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    posted_dt                                                                                                                        datetime                                                                                                                         no                                  8                       yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    price                                                                                                                            numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    units                                                                                                                            numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    purchase_amt                                                                                                                     numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    2     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    redemption_amt                                                                                                                   numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    2     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    broker_cd                                                                                                                        char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    subbroker_cd                                                                                                                     char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    brokerage_per                                                                                                                    numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    brokerage_amt                                                                                                                    numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    investor_id                                                                                                                      char                                                                                                                             no                                  16                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    datafeed_dt                                                                                                                      datetime                                                                                                                         no                                  8                       yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    datafeed_time                                                                                                                    varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transactionsub_type                                                                                                              varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    branch_cd                                                                                                                        char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    rm_cd                                                                                                                            char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    usr_id                                                                                                                           char                                                                                                                             no                                  15                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    upld_dt                                                                                                                          datetime                                                                                                                         no                                  8                       yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    p_units                                                                                                                          numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    r_units                                                                                                                          numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    redem_cost                                                                                                                       numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    amount                                                                                                                           numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    balance_units                                                                                                                    numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    balance_cost                                                                                                                     numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    data_source_cd                                                                                                                   char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    IsValid                                                                                                                          char                                                                                                                             no                                  1                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    oTransType                                                                                                                       varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  50                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    inv_opt                                                                                                                          varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  25                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    oPrice                                                                                                                           numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    redem_cost_kotak                                                                                                                 numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    balance_cost_kotak                                                                                                               numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    balance_units_kotak                                                                                                              numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    cams_no                                                                                                                          varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  50                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_flag                                                                                                                 varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    STT                                                                                                                              numeric                                                                                                                          no                                  9           18    4     yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL


    Identity                                                                                                                         Seed                                     Increment                                Not For Replication

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

    mftrans_no                                                                                                                       1                                        1                                        0




    No rowguidcol column defined.






    index_name                                                                                                                       index_description                                                                                                                                                                                                  index_keys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    mftrans_indx                                                                                                                     nonclustered located on PRIMARY                                                                                                                                                                                    folio_no, product_cd, transaction_type, transaction_no, transaction_mode, trade_dt, units, amount, cams_no


    No constraints have been defined for this object.


    No foreign keys reference this table.

    No views with schema binding reference this table.

    =============schema of mftrans rm=========

    Name                                                                                                                             Owner                                                                                                                            Type                            Created_datetime                                      

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

    mftrans_rm                                                                                                                       dbo                                                                                                                              user table                      2003-05-20 18:22:30.827



    Column_name                                                                                                                      Type                                                                                                                             Computed                            Length      Prec  Scale Nullable                            TrimTrailingBlanks                  FixedLenNullInSource                Collation                                                                                                                       

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    mftrans_no                                                                                                                       int                                                                                                                              no                                  4           10    0     no                                  (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    amc_cd                                                                                                                           char                                                                                                                             no                                  5                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    folio_no                                                                                                                         varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  25                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    product_cd                                                                                                                       char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_type                                                                                                                 char                                                                                                                             no                                  15                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_no                                                                                                                   varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    transaction_mode                                                                                                                 char                                                                                                                             no                                  1                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    trade_dt                                                                                                                         datetime                                                                                                                         no                                  8                       yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL

    transactionsub_type                                                                                                              varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  10                      yes                                 no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    old_rm_cd                                                                                                                        char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    rm_cd                                                                                                                            char                                                                                                                             no                                  20                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    usr_id                                                                                                                           char                                                                                                                             no                                  15                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    update_datetime                                                                                                                  datetime                                                                                                                         no                                  8                       yes                                 (n/a)                               (n/a)                               NULL


    Identity                                                                                                                         Seed                                     Increment                                Not For Replication

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

    No identity column defined.                                                                                                      NULL                                     NULL                                     NULL




    No rowguidcol column defined.






    The object does not have any indexes.


    No constraints have been defined for this object.


    No foreign keys reference this table.

    No views with schema binding reference this table.



    ===============Schema of Rm===============

    Name                                                                                                                             Owner                                                                                                                            Type                            Created_datetime                                      

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

    rm                                                                                                                               dbo                                                                                                                              user table                      2004-04-15 14:08:22.687



    Column_name                                                                                                                      Type                                                                                                                             Computed                            Length      Prec  Scale Nullable                            TrimTrailingBlanks                  FixedLenNullInSource                Collation                                                                                                                       

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    rm_cd                                                                                                                            varchar                                                                                                                          no                                  50                      no                                  no                                  no                                  SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    rm_name                                                                                                                          char                                                                                                                             no                                  50                      yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    type                                                                                                                             char                                                                                                                             no                                  1                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    branch_cd                                                                                                                        char                                                                                                                             no                                  5                       yes                                 no                                  yes                                 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS


    Identity                                                                                                                         Seed                                     Increment                                Not For Replication

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

    No identity column defined.                                                                                                      NULL                                     NULL                                     NULL




    No rowguidcol column defined.






    index_name                                                                                                                       index_description                                                                                                                                                                                                  index_keys                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    pk_rm                                                                                                                            nonclustered located on PRIMARY                                                                                                                                                                                    rm_cd


    No constraints have been defined for this object.


    No foreign keys reference this table.

    No views with schema binding reference this table.


    <a href="http://www.websolsoftware.com"> For IT jobs click here</a>

    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • Best approach is to execute the steps 1 by 1 and inspect the database and try to deduce the changes each section implements.

    For a start the 1st 2 bits, create empty tables structures (1=2) based on column definitions in existing tables.

    What this adds at a business-level, aside from what it does at at technical level, is another story.....it might be a good idea to go back at get the functional spec from the users!

  • Nope, thats not very useful.

    my management wants to check my IQ, this is stock market iam working, data is in huge, cannot change anything unless i understand it correctly..


    pls help, if u r Kool in SQL

    <a href="http://www.websolsoftware.com"> For IT jobs click here</a>

    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • "Nope, thats not very useful."...but it was a starter attempt for free.....it's taken you 3 days to get to this point and you're being paid (???)....you seem to have forgotten that none of the rest of us here will be getting a cheque at the end of this exercise

    "my management wants to check my IQ"....there are better ways to do that!

    "this is stock market iam working, data is in huge"...create a stripped down dataset in TEST.

    "cannot change anything unless i understand it correctly"..good idea....but IN TEST, you could experiment (for education purposes) with a COPY of the original....and you wouldn't be modifying it, only running it in smaller sections.

  • Don't know why you bothered with the second reply Andrew. Nothing worse than rudeness.

    suk - "Please be polite - If U R  cruel in sql"

  • Eoin....

    I wasn't being rude......I was being sarcastic.  Rudeness is asking for help and then disparaging the "freely" given starter effort with a blunt "Nope, thats not very useful."

    The points I made are VERY appropriate...the poster posed a difficult problem, but seem in the evidence/information presented to this website to expect contributors to work wonders, for free, without taking on board the 'sensible' suggestions made....If he/she did not like them, then the proper thing to do would have been to counterpoint them with valid reasons why.

    There was no sample input data and no expected results and the expection coming from the poster is for us to debug something difficult and undocumented.  I may be a fool at times in trying to help people, but I'm not an idiot to persist with other fools.

    Off you go and solve it between the 2 of you man!!!!  I suspect others will be adopting a hands-off approach on this one.

  • Erm... Andrew. I wasn't referring to you being rude. I was refering to Suk being rude to you and wondered why you even bothered to help him.

    Apologies for the misunderstanding

  • ahaa....the value of punctuation/emoticons!!!..no offence taken (now)

    suk still could learn from applying the hints.

    why did I bother?...I did say i was a fool

  • Im' quite laz:y as re,gards . punctuation,: and emoticons  make me feel child,ish

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