Linking to Exchange Server

  • The following SQL should allow Exchange Server to be registered as a linked server to SQL Server, and then be queried from SQL Server.

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'exchange', 'droplogins'


    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'Exchange', 'Exchange OLE DB provider', 'exoledb.DataSource.1', 'file:\\.\backofficestorage\Server2\Public Folders'


    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Exchange', 'false', null, 'Administrator', 'ServerAdminPassword'


    SELECT convert(nvarchar(30),"urn:schemas:contacts:sn") as LastName

    FROM OpenQuery(Exchange, 'SELECT "urn:schemas:contact:sn" FROM SCOPE(''.\Contacts'')')

    Unfortunately it gives the following error:

    Server: Msg 7304, Level 16, State 2, Line 2

    Could not create a new session on OLE DB provider 'exoledb.DataSource.1'.

    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'exoledb.DataSource.1' IDBCreateSession::CreateSession returned 0x80070426].

    Any ideas? There is very little on the web about this, and nothing I could find was any use whatsoever.

  • if you happen to find something useful, let me know.  I've tried doing this before, and I recall getting the same message.  The annoying thing is that setting up a link to exchange is really easy through Access, but I've never been able to get it to properly work through sql server.

  • Has anyone figured out how to do this I get an error

    The OLE DB provider "exoledb.DataSource.1" has not been registered.


  • I suspect the reason it is so 'easy' to link in MS Access, is because both Exchange and Access use the same db jet engine.  Try getting your table info inside of Access then Import via DTS to SQL - good luck!


  • Where did you find the exoledb.DataSource.1 driver? I cannot seem to find where to get it.

  • I have exactly the same issue. I have our SQL server 2008 on a different server from our exchange server and I can not make the connection work. Setting it up in MSAccess is all well and good, but I am looking to get the calendar info - which access links to on the users Documents and Settings on the local PC

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