select query

  • I have a select query which is returning records as

    CustGrp Custid

    100        331

    100        233

    100        332

    101       322

    102       423

    102       873

    Now with every CustGrp value I want to append a sequence of numbers with it which will be the sequence of Custid's for

    that CustGrp for example the new recordset should look like this

    CustGrp Custid

    100/1    331

    100/2    233

    100/3    332

    101/1    322

    102/1    423

    102/2    873

    That is if CustGrp has 3 records of 100 then each should be shown as 100/1,100/2,100/3 and if a custgrp like 101 has just

    1 record then just display 101/1

    How can I achieve something like this


  • Hello,

    one way to do this is to select the records with your original query into a temp table with identity column, ordered as necessary - precisely as they should appear in the final resultset (by CustGrp at least, that's obligatory). Then you can select from the temp table. What the new query does is that for each row it finds - based on the identity column value for current record and for the first record with the same CustGrp - how many records with the same CustGrp are there before the current one. That's why the data have to be ordered already when inserting into the temp table; otherwise you get sheer nonsense. 

    CREATE TABLE #tmp (id_counter int IDENTITY(1,1), CustGrp varchar(10), CustId int)

    INSERT INTO #tmp values ('100',331)

    INSERT INTO #tmp values ('100',233)

    INSERT INTO #tmp values ('100',332)

    INSERT INTO #tmp values ('101',322)

    INSERT INTO #tmp values ('102',423)

    INSERT INTO #tmp values ('102',873)

    /* your query will insert the data - this was just for testing */


    CustGrp + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), id_counter - ((select min(id_counter) from #tmp where CustGrp = t.CustGrp)-1)) as CustGrp,


    FROM #tmp t

    DROP TABLE #tmp

    HTH, Vladan

  • Hope this will also fit to the situation.

    create table mytest (Custid integer, CustGrp integer)


    insert into mytest(custgrp, custid)

    select 100, 331


    select 100,233


    select 100,332


    select 101,322


    select 102,423


    select 102,873




       cast(a1.custgrp as varchar(10))+'/'+

       cast((SELECT COUNT(custid) FROM mytest AS A2 WHERE A1.custid >= A2.custid AND A2.custgrp=A1.custgrp) as varchar(10))


       mytest AS A1

    order by






  • That's right, Ganesh's query is better in that it doesn't use temporary tables, but a plain select statement and I'd recommend it before the one I mentioned - if it is applicable.

    However, in case that CustGrp+CustId combination is not unique in your query (same CustId appearing several times with the same CustGrp), or in case you need the records ordered by some other criteria (like your original example suggests - CustId order is 331, 233, 332, not 233,331,332), the use of temporary table may become necessary... or you'll need to add other columns to the query to make each row unique, so that it can be ordered and counted correctly.

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