Pivoting data dynamically

  • Hi,

    I have the following data:

    User   |  Element  |  Value
    User1 |  el1         |   2.5
    User1 |  el2         |   3.2
    User2 |  el1         |   4.1
    User2 |  el3         |   1.3

    And I want it to look like this:

    User   | el1  |  el2  |  el3
    User1 | 2.5  |  3.2  |  NULL
    User2 | 4.1  | NULL |  1.3

    Classic pivot operation right? Well yes, except that we're constantly going to be getting new element values and I want to be able to do this (semi-)dynamically. i.e. I don't want to have to build a new view from scratch every time I want the data displaying slightly differently. We've kicked around an idea of having a metadata table that lists all the elements which we can this reference inside a function that returns the pivoted data. Something like that anyway.

    I'm interested to know how other people have gone about solving this problem.







  • The approach (for the moment ) is to generate the fixed part of the query in a static variable and add the variable part of it from the metadata or a temp table.

    declare @STR as varchar(8000)

    set @STR = 'select user '

    select @STR = @STR + ' , coalesce(min(case when Element = '' + MetadataCol + ''' then Element end),'''') as  ' + MetadataCol

    from MetadataTable -- This could be built as a temp table (you save time if is already compiled


    Set @STR = @STR + ' From RealTable Where ...'

    exec(@str) -- use various @STR concat if length is big


    in 2005 you will have (hopefully ) the glorious PIVOT and UNPIVOT commands



    * Noel

  • Superb, thank you Noel.

    I'm having a few fun and games with my string exceeding 8000 chars but I'm working on that. The Yukon windowing functions would help but of course if I had Yukon I could just use the pivot function which would mean I wouldn't need the windowing functions (probably)

    Thanks again.



  • Basically the same problem has been discussed in this thread:


  • Jamie,

    This limit is fairly common on large crosstabs there are some tricks to be used in the process in case the grow very big:

    1. Several @STR variables (estimating limits of real values) for most occasions 8 is been my lucky number

    2. Some people create temporary tables and perform the pivoting using the insert command ability to "slide" the column values (by only specifying one column and one value) -- This is slower but is very robust in the sence that you could deal with a very large number of columns (+700) without worring about string sizes

    3. Some others create views with single character column names to minimize string length and number of string variables leaving the job to the presentation layer  -- Eventhough it is fast it is very cumbersome to maintain

    4. Last but not list this type of string generation can very efficiently done clientside given you "know" the pivot values and you will send the monster text in one shot  (or two  ). This tend to be the most practical , secure and flexible method but in not all occations  you have access to client side App code (design)



    * Noel

  • Hi Jamie,

      I have created a stored procedure for such task. I hope it will prove useful to you. Also, I have 3 versions of this type of stored procedure, each version being more complicated and more powerful than the first. This one is the simplest version I created.

    *************** START of stored procedure ********************

    CREATE       PROCEDURE sp_transpose

    /* This is a utility stored procedure to mimic the _GENXTAB command of FoxPro */

    /* This SP generates cross-tab output similar to a pivot table */

        @strSelectFields        varchar(100),   -- should be a string like field1,field2......such as TER,REGNCD, SREGCD, SREGNAMET, POR_OPZNCD, OZNAME

        @strGroupByFields       varchar(100),   -- should be a string like field1,field2......such as TER,REGNCD, SREGCD, SREGNAMET, POR_OPZNCD, OZNAME

        @strTranposeField       varchar(100),   -- field that would be seperate such as BOUND

        @strCalcuField          varchar(20),    -- field that would be calculate such as TTLRQ

        @strOtherCalcuString    varchar(100),   -- such as sum(IMB) as IMB

        @strWhereCriteria       varchar(300),   -- such as where field1 > xx and field < yy

        @strSourceTableName     varchar(30),    -- table name

        @strDestinTableName     varchar(30)     -- table name



        DECLARE @strSqlType     nvarchar(4000)

        DECLARE @strSqlTmp      varchar(300)

        DECLARE @strSqlSelect   varchar(1000)

        DECLARE @strSqlFW       varchar(1000)

        DECLARE @strType        varchar(10)

        DECLARE @l_cursor       cursor

        CREATE TABLE #table (TYPE varchar(10) not null)

        IF (@strDestinTableName IS null OR @strDestinTableName = '') BEGIN

            SET @strDestinTableName = 'TRANSPOSE'


        IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U' AND name=@strDestinTableName) BEGIN

            EXEC('DROP TABLE '+@strDestinTableName)


        SET @strSqlType = ''

        SET @strSqlTmp = 'INSERT INTO #table SELECT DISTINCT '+ @strTranposeField + ' FROM '+ @strSourceTableName




        SET @l_cursor = cursor for SELECT TYPE FROM #table ORDER BY TYPE

        OPEN @l_cursor

        FETCH NEXT FROM @l_cursor INTO @strType

        WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)


            --SET @strSqlType = @strSqlType + ',SUM(CASE '+@strTranposeField+' WHEN '''+@strType+''' THEN '+@strCalcuField+' ELSE 0 END) AS '+@strTranposeField+'_'+@strType

     SET @strSqlType = @strSqlType + ',SUM(CASE '+@strTranposeField+' WHEN '''+@strType+''' THEN '+@strCalcuField+' ELSE 0 END) AS '+@strType

     PRINT @strSqlType

            FETCH NEXT FROM @l_cursor INTO @strType


        CLOSE @l_cursor

        DEALLOCATE @l_cursor

        --print @strSqlType

        --set @strSqlSelect = 'SELECT '+@strGroupByFields+@strSqlType+','+@strOtherCalcuString+' INTO '+@strDestinTableName

        SET @strSqlSelect = 'SELECT '+@strSelectFields+@strSqlType

        IF (@strOtherCalcuString <> '')

            SET @strSqlSelect = @strSqlSelect + ',' + @strOtherCalcuString

        SET @strSqlSelect = @strSqlSelect + ' INTO ' + @strDestinTableName


        IF (@strWhereCriteria IS NOT NULL AND @strWhereCriteria <>'' )

            SET @strWhereCriteria=' AND '+@strWhereCriteria


            SET @strWhereCriteria = ''

        SET @strSqlFW = ' FROM '+ @strSourceTableName +' WHERE 1 =1 ' +@strWhereCriteria+ ' GROUP BY ' + @strGroupByFields + ' ORDER BY ' + @strGroupByFields

            -- print @strSqlSelect+@strSqlFW

        print (@strSqlSelect+@strSqlFW)


        EXEC('SELECT * FROM '+@strDestinTableName)



    ****************** END of stored procedure ********************

    Here's how to execute the stored procedure with the sample data you've given:

    create table SourceTable


      [User] varchar(10) null,

      Element varchar(10) null,

      Value numeric(12,2) null,


    insert into SourceTable values('User1','el1',2.5)

    insert into SourceTable values('User1','el2',3.2)

    insert into SourceTable values('User2','el1',4.1)

    insert into SourceTable values('User2','el3',1.3)

    EXEC sp_transpose '[User]','[User]','Element','Value','','','SourceTable',''

    Note that I enclosed the User field in brackets because it's a reserved word in SQL Server.

    I hope this helps. Cheers!

    - Allan

  • Thanks Allan.

    That's alot to get thru

    I've almost nailed this myself but if I have any more problems I'll pick up some of your stuff.

    Much appreciated!



  • Noel,

    I've got this nailed now, thanks very much.

    It was made more difficult by the fact that there were 4 "value" fields and depending on which element was getting picked I had to decide which of these 4 "value" fields was the one that contained the value I'm interested in and pick it out. To make it even more difficult the 4 "value" fields were all of different types, including one ofthem being a varchar.

    Its been fun though. I like little challenges like this!


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