Non suspect databases showing up as Suspect

  • Hi,

    I have a strange problem at my hand.

    Some of my databases are showing up as Suspect in EM but when i run

    the following query:

    Select databaseproperty('dbname','IsSuspect') it gives the result 0

    which means db is not in suspect mode.

    Also the status column in master..sysdatabases for the suspect databases has value 1073741832.

    Please help.



  • I think you have a suspect database if it is flagged in master, regarldless of the databaseprooperty return. Check your error log for issues.

  • Steve,

    Thanks for the reply.

    But when i tried to reset its status using sp_resetstatus I got the following message:

    No row in sysdatabases was updated because mode and status are already correctly reset. No error and no changes made.

    But still the databases are showing up as Suspect in EM and not accessible thru QA or EM. This is strange.


  • HI,

    Pls put ur database online

    USE master



    set online


    hope this helps





  • the status 1073741832 means the database was cleanly shut down. When you took a database off line, the status is EM is 'Offline'. After you restart SQL server, the status of the offline database will change to 'Suspect\Offline'.

    So if your DB status now is 'Suspect\Offline', Raj's recommendation should work.

    If the status is just 'Suspect', the database log may be corrupt. You can confirm it with the errorlog and try to rebuild the database log by the following script. You will lose the transactions not recovered.

    use master


    Sp_configure allow, 1


    Reconfigure with override


    Update sysdatabases set status = 32768 where name = 'YourDBName'


    --dbcc rebuild_log(Db_Name, new_log_file)

    dbcc rebuild_log('YourDBName','d:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\YourDB_Newlog.ldf')

  • One common reason for this behavior is that SQL Server could not find / access the Transaction log file of the database.  check out your ErrorLog for errors (something like "Device activation error. The physical file name 'D:\MSSQL\data\pubs_log.ldf' may be incorrect.").

    The IsSuspect returns true if the TLog file is accessible, but corrupt or data file is corrupt.  If the files are not accessible, EM shows suspect, but the Status in sysdatabases remains unchanged at old value (Clean Shut down in your case)


    Hope this helps




    Sekhara Reddy

  • Thanks to everyone who responded to this topic.


    You got it right. Our IT Team did some changes to our storage server which resulted in some of the data files being inaccessible. The problem was solved with their help.

    Thanks once again to everyone.



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