ODBC timeout won''t go away

  • Hi, sorry to repost but the Access forum doesn't look too busy.

    I have an Access 2000 database with a linked table pointing to SQL Server 2000.  When running a query in Access, it times out after 60 seconds with the standard ODBC "Timeout expired" error.

    I've googled like crazy and tried several things.  Setting the Access query's "OLE/DDE timeout" to zero doesn't work.  Setting to zero the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\ODBC\QueryTimeout" registry key and restarting Access doesn't work.  In fact, even if I set this to 5 seconds the query runs to the full 60 then times out.  So it's being ignored apparently.  Ideas??

    This has just got to be a common problem yet I'm unable to find a solution.  Please advise.

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