Idera SQL diag Problem

  • Guys,

    I've got a customer who are trialling the wonderfull SQL Diag software from IDERA

    they have established connections to their SQL servers using windows authentication and the preview screen is showing the SQL processed perfectly.

    however..... if you choose to look at anything like problem locks,memory and all the other usefull features (except worst performing sql) you get the folloing error message

    10001: Server xxxx sql connection unsucsessfull - server has run out of user connections or server liscences

    i've checked the liscencing mode (processor),the number of connections allowed (0=unlimited) and everything i can thnk of.

    i then tried to add extra servers - same problem. so it boils down to the workstation i'm running the software from - tried to windows update it and put mdac 2.8 sp1 in place - still no joy....

    any ideas?


  • What do Idera say about the problem?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • the response from idera was so slow that i posted it here first, but it appears that contra to their installation requirements and pre-requisits you must have SQL server client tools installed.

    fixed it by installing client tools

    Cheers Anyway


  • I´ve got the same problem.I installed sql client tools and it didn´t work. What else could it be ?

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