sql server won''t start, restore only option?

  • Hi,

    In a situation when my sql server won't start, what can I do to quickly get the databases up and running?

    As far as the bol goes, it says: "sp_attach_db should only be executed on databases that were previously detached from the database server using an explicit sp_detach_db operation." So that exludes attaching the dbs to a different server quickly...

    Is restore the only option?




  • I would try and attach the files on another server, I believe it should work and no data should be corrupted., do a dbcc checkdb after the attach. Make a backup of the mdf & ldf files just in case. Wont hurt to try and BOL is best practice guide, this is an emergency

  • If SQL Server wont start, it will give detailed reasons in the error log. (usually located in the LOGS directory). Just read  the latest log and see why SQL Server isn't starting.

    SQL Server would have also logged some details to the Windows Event Log.

    It depends on what is stopping SQL Server from starting as to what you should do to get back online.

    Julian Kuiters

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