Need function to match elements in one table to another

  • OK, so that wasn't very descriptive , but you don't get a lot of room in the title, do you?

    I have two tables, for purposes of simplicity they look like this:

    Table A
    1  A
    2  C
    Table B
    1  A
    2  B
    3  C
    4  D

    I need to come up with a function that returns True/False depending on whether or not all the entries in Table A are in Table B. The example above would yield a True return. If Table A were:

    1   F
    2   G

    then the function would return False.

    Anyone got a quick solution? I can't seem to get my mind wrapped around this one.





    If Exists (Select * From TableA

               Where SomeColumn Not In


                 Select SameColumn

                 From TableB



      Return False


      Return True


  • how about an sp?

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[truefalse]

    @table1 varchar(50), @table2 varchar(50),

    @answer varchar(1)='' OUTPUT




     if (select sub.answer from (

     select distinct case when is null then 'False' else 'True' end as answer

     from table1 t1 left outer join table2 t2 on and t1.[desc]=t2.[desc]

     where is null and t2.[desc] is null)sub where sub.answer='false')='false' begin  set @answer='F'



     else set @answer='T'

    select @answer


    exec truefalse 'table','table2'   -->returns a T or F

  • You could also do a left outer join, and see whether any records are returned. If none are returned, it means that all the records from table A are in table B



  • You could left join for sure.

    But what if the datasets are large ? Why pull a large result set to count it, when all you need to do is find the first occurrence where the condition isn't met ? Think of the IO cost ...

  • The lists are always small (1-4 entries against 1-6 entries). I used a variation of your code Rookie to implement it as a user defined function (had to change the Return logic so the last statement was a standalone Return).

    Declare @rtn bit
    If Exists (Select * From TableA

               Where SomeColumn Not In


                 Select SameColumn

                 From TableB



      Set @rtn=0


      Set @rtn=1


    Works great. Thanks.


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