Top-Top query

  • Have a table with following columns: source, sourcenumber, product, productnumber. Need to select top 10 sources (using sourcenumber) and for each source- top 5 products (using productnumber).


  • Use derived table something like this.

    by top meaning the first 10, or the top ten ranked by sales or some other method?

    Select top 5 Product, ProductNumber, SourceNumber, Source

    From Products

    Join (Select top 10 SourceNumber, Source

           from Sources) derivedTable on DerivedTable.SourceNumber = Products.SourceNumber

  • There not enough information to determine exactly what is needed. Can you post the primary key of the table ?

    Assummimg you want the top 10 Sources and then the top 5 products within each source, try the below SQL. Note that if any of the top 10 sources do have have 5 products, the total number of rows will be less than 50. Note also that the Soruce Rank indicates the number of sources with lower values for source number and similarly for products within sources.

    Create table Foo

    ( sourcevarchar(255)not null

    , sourcenumberinteger not null

    , productvarchar(255)not null

    , productnumber integernot null

    , primary key (source, product)



    insert into Foo

    (source, sourcenumber, product, productnumber)

    select,,, i.indid

    from master.dbo.sysobjects t

    join master.dbo.sysindexes i

    on =


    select SourceTop10.SourceRank + 1

    , SourceProductTop5.SourceProductRank


    , SourceProductTop5.product


    select S.Source, count(SLower.SourceNumber)

    from (select distinct source, sourcenumber from Foo ) as S

    LEFT OUTER join (select distinct source, sourcenumber from Foo ) as SLower

    on SLower.SourceNumber (select count(distinct source) - 11 from foo )

    ) As SourceTop10 ( Source, SourceRank )

    JOIN(select Foo.Source, Foo.product, count(Foo.ProductNumber)

    from Foo

    left outer join Foo as FooLower

    on FooLower.Source= Foo.Source

    and FooLower.productnumber <= Foo.ProductNumber

    group by Foo.Source, Foo.product

    having count(Foo.ProductNumber) < 5

    ) as SourceProductTop5 (Source, product , SourceProductRank)

    on SourceProductTop5.Source= SourceTop10.Source

    order by SourceTop10.SourceRank desc

    , SourceProductTop5.SourceProductRank desc

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Thanks for your replies.

    Ray: probably I wasn't clear. I need  top 10 sources with biggest sourcenumbers (actually, it's score for every source) and then for each source from this 10 ones select 5 products with biggest productnumber (it's also score but for product).

    Carl: there is no primary key (actually it's table variable I've created in SP). I didn't get (may be need some more time to understand your query logic) what is the reason for Foo table comprises sysobjects and sysindex?


  • Can you post a sample tables ,

    Some sample data,

    and a query on how you figure what the top 10 sources are?

    and a sample result set of how you want the output to look.

    Help us help U

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