Retrying failed SQL Jobs

  • We have an overnight reload of our Data Warehouse that imports a number of exported files from our Core Systems database into SQL Server Tables.

    The first step in the reload DTS package is to look for the existence of a file that signifies that the export process has fully completed.  If this file exists the SQL Server Job starts and sends an email, if the full export isn't complete the file won't exist and the SQL Job will abort.

    As this isn't very flexible I was looking at a way to re-run the SQL Job maybe half an hour later.

    As I was checking the SQL Job I noticed that for each Job Step there is a retry option and retry interval.  Does anybody know of an issues to setting the Step to retry 2 times in 15 minute intervals?

    This would then allow the export an extra 30 minutes to complete rather than just aborting the SQL Reload job on the first attempt.





  • In my previous job, we did something very similar.  The retry seemed to work pretty well for us.  I can't recall how long the interval was, but I would think that 15 minutes would be fine. 

    Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.


  • I used the retry successfully to wait until I could receive exclusive access to needed files.

    This is very similar to what you are doing.

    I don't expect that you would have any problems doing this.


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