Full Replica - Standard Edition

  • I am attempting to setup a "troublshooting" database for our developers so I can get them out of the production environment.  They need the entire database replicated so that they have "real-time" data.  In addition they require that all views, sp's, etc... are also replicated. 

    The entire database would be replicated\copied to another server via transactional replication using the traditional Publisher\Distributor\Subscriber each on their own hardware.

    What recommendations\suggestions do you folks have with regard to how I can accomplish this?

    The database is roughly 45GB.


  • The sound of this makes me a little uneasy.  If your developers are doing troubleshooting on the replicate, might they not want to change physical structures and alter objects and do other types of things that would cause replication to roll over and die? 

    One place I worked did this but they ended up having a third database that was actually used for troubleshooting.  The production database replicated to an intermediate db.  If there was a production problem, the intermediate db was backed up and restored onto the troubleshooting server and the developers could feel free to have at it without disturbing the replication system.  It was more money and more management, but it reduced to zero the number of times that troubleshooting actually resulted in a production outage because replication was hosed.

    The only other suggestion I might offer is to consider log shipping instead of replication.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

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