January 10, 2005 at 9:08 am
I just noticed that all users in a user created database are missing. Including the dbo! Is it possible to have a database with no dbo??? The users still exist in the other user databases.
Has anyone ever seen this happen before? Does anyone know how to get the dbo user back?
January 10, 2005 at 10:17 am
Sure I did. Some people are resoursful.
To deal with it:
1. run sp_changedbowner 'sa'
This way you at least will have a valid database owner. Or change the owner to some other login with privileges.
2. Select SIDs from sysxlogins and sysusers for this DB and see if they are the same or different (I suspect they are different)
3. Fix the situation either by the script to make SIDs the same or better using sp_change_user_login
Note: sometimes you have to disconnect and connect again in EM to see the changes to users
Regards,Yelena Varsha
January 13, 2005 at 10:22 am
Going thru back issues I came across this. I see something similar happen with my apps, too, except in my case the user name is still there but the login name is missing, indicating that something has caused a disconnect with the SID in the database and the SID in the master database.
What I usually end up doing is dropping the broken users then adding them back and assigning them back to any database roles they need.
I have never figured out how this happens but I wrote scripts to fix it when it does.
Hope this helps, even if belated.
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