Building a dynamic search query in a stored procedure

  • Hi all,

    I have a web search form that lets a user set several search criteria such. I used to build my SQL statement in ASP when the form was submitted and run the SQL statement from within the ASP page.

    I now want to build the query in a stored procedure.

    In ASP I could do the following:

    strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT * FROM t_table1 "

    If strPhrase1 <> "" Then strWHERE = "WHERE Title = '" & strPhrase1 & "' "

    If strPhrase2 <> "" Then strWhere = strWhere & " AND Title = '" & strPhrase2 & "' "

    If dteExpires <> "" Then strWhere = " AND dteExpires > dteExpires"

    strSQL = strSQL & strWhere

    How can I do the equivalent in a stored procedure?

    The SP input parameters (search criteria) may be NULL or they may hold a value.

    Can I build a string variable that holds the WHERE clause and then substitute that variable into a SELECT statement as I can in ASP?

    Otherwise I would have endless

    IF @Param1 = NULL Then

    type statements (with 5 search criteria - 5 x 5 = 25 potential different search criteria this would be a very long winded and messy SP)



  • The way to do this is by using the sp_executesql stored procedure. It has one main input variable, and that is the actual statement you want to run, all you have to do is dynamically build the rest, like so:


    DECLARE @SQLStatement VARCHAR(300)

    DECLARE @Select VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @From VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @Where VARCHAR(100)

    SET @Select = "SELECT COL1, COL2, COL3 "

    SET @From = "FROM Table1 "

    IF (condition) = 1


    SET @Where = "WHERE COL1 = 'ABC' "



    SET @Where = "WHERE COL1 = '123' "


    SET @SQLStatement = @Select + @From + @Where

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLStatement

    NOTE: You must set quoted identifiers off, so that you can use " to mark your text, this allows ' to be used in the WHERE clause.

    Does this make sense?


  • Hi Carl,

    thanks for the answer. I have it working but it would only work if I changed the variable data types to nvarchar rather than varchar.

    If using varchar then I got the following errror message:

    Server: Msg 214, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 19

    Cannot convert parameter '@statement' to ntext/nchar/nvarchar data type expected by procedure.



  • There's another way to handle this problem:

    Create Procedure myProc

      @cond1 varchar(1) )= null

      @cond2 int = null


    SELECT * FROM MyTable


    (Column1 = @cond1 OR @cond2 is null)


    (Column2 = @cond2 OR @cond2 is null)


    then in your page you pass only the values you want to chek, and null for those you want to ignore...



  • Luigi, on a query that'll need to handle big resultsets, the dynamic sql will do one comparison, but yours will do four... 

  • Hi Mark, that's true, but all the nulled values will be evaluated once, during the parse of the query, so I think the execution time will not be affected.


  • Erland discusses there exactly what you're after.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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