Deployment SQL Server Reporting Services from Client

  • Hi all,

    I got the message "A connection could not be made to the report server https://visionex/reportserver" when I try to deploy my reports to Server. Do you know what happend?

    My server is: W2k3 ( have SSL already), SQL Server Reporting Services Enterprise Edition

    My workstation: Win XP Pro

    Thanks for any help


  • Is the issue isolated to that one workstation?

    Can you connect to https://visionex/reports/ with your web browser?

    Are there any telling entries in the web logs (%systemroot%\system32\logfiles\w3svc*\ where the * is typically a number) corresponding to your attemps to connect?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Kelley, Thanks for your reply!

    I can connect to https://visionex/reports/ with my web browser. I event deploy reports by another way (using https://visionex/reports/  to upload files after add a datasource). Its so strange! Do you know why?

    Im not in my office now so I cannot view  the web logs in my PC. I will look at it and send it for you later!

    Thanks again Kelley,

    Good luck and Happy New Year!




  • Hi Kelley,

    I found the file "ex050103.log" in logfile\w3svc1\ after trying to deploy a report to server.

    Its content is:

    #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.1

    #Version: 1.0

    #Date: 2005-01-03 03:11:04

    #Fields: time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status

    03:11:04 GET / 404

    03:11:04 GET / 404

    Can you tell me what they mean?

    I also have Publisher role on that server and can use my web browser to conect to that URL!

    What I shoud do to deploy my reports to Server successfully?

    Thanks for your help!


  • The 404 at the end of these lines means a file not found. But these entries (given their path) also don't look related to Reporting Services.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • This file appeared after I only run VS.NET to deploy reports.

    But now I can do it already, Its because the IT guys give me the wrong SSL domain.

    Thank you for your reply, Kelley

  • That would do it!

    K. Brian Kelley

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