using stored prcedures within functions

  • Hey,

    Is it possible to use an sql stored procedure from within the scope of a user-defined function?

    if so, how? if not: how can I achive the following:

    I have a SP that returns a table. I need a function that will calulate

    something for each member of this table.






  • You can't exec a stored proc in a function. You'll have to copy the select in that function or convert the stored proc to a parametered function.

  • Will this not work?



    SELECT dbo.dosomething(some_column) FROM sometable

    Note that this will not perform very well, since the function is called once for each row. But that is the nature of UDFs. Maybe there is a better solution if you could describe exactly what you need, and post some DDL and sample data.

  • Thanks for replying...

    my function (is supposed to) return a string, which is a list of id's. I want to use this in my IN clause in the stored procedure (i.e, SELECT ... WHERE id IN (dbo.MyFunction(@paramter1,...))


  • Just do something like this :

    Create function dbo.a (@someparam as int)



    return (

    Select id from dbo.yourTable where Something=@Someparam



    Create procedure dbo.b @SomeParam as int


    set nocount on

    Select * from dbo.tableB where id in (Select id from dbo.a(@SomeParam))

    set nocount off

  • This looks like it might work. The thing is i'm trying to re-use an already made function. This function returns a string of id's ( a list ) . If only I could use SP inside a function...

    Anyway, thanks, i guess i'll have to rewrite the whole thing.



  • Well you could always resplit the string but that would seem to be a lot of work for absolutely nothing. I think that the small task of copying the function, remove the concatenation part would be well spent.

  • Read BOL about deterministic functions. The root of the question is in non-deterministic functions not being allowed in the body of user-defined functions and an sp is purposely non-deterministic. Should be clear after getting your head around that idea 🙂

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