Database Mining

  • What tools are you using for Database Mining?

    We currently use Cognos products; mostly just reporting/graphs...but does not do data mining.

    Is anyone using Analysis Serives a a database mining tool?


    Thanks for the feedback!

  • A very good question that I myself have been loking into.

    Unfortunately, apart from analysis services all the other products out there are new and a very specialised.

    You must also take into account that data mining is quite complex for most users and can cause them problems.

    I use mining by running jobs myself and passing reports in print format. I am waiting for business objects to catch up with data mining. They have already brought in dashboards etc, so I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • One tool that I've heard very good things about (but not used myself) is Clementine ( 

    Has anyone out there had any first hand experience interfacing MS SQL Server 2000 with Clementine?

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