Single User Mode

  • I put my database in single user mode, then tried to get *myself* into query analyzer.

    I get login failed

    How can I get myself in to run a DBCC repair



  • check to make sure you're not logged in with any other connections(Enterprise manager) etc.

  • Well I am using enterprise manager to get into query analyzer to run dbcc

    I don't know any other way to run my dbcc?  Should I figure out how to run it from the dos command line or..?



  • Ok - I'm in (o;

    It's the simple things! 

    I went into query analyzer *not* using enterprise manager and I'm fine



  • For future use you can set the Database in dbo use only, than you never had this problem.


    I think it is the better way to do any administration jobs on a database.

  • Once you are in single user mode and then start QA, you have to stop the object browser if you normally have it up.  It will use your single connection.

  • With re: to single user mode in running dbcc programs.  Is there a way to do this thru a maintenance plan without user intervention.

    I want to run the integrity check offered in the EM Maintenance plan but have not been able to figure out how to do this.  It continually fails since the db is not in single user mode.  I want to:

    put in single user mode

    run optimization/integrity check

    then put back in multiple user mode without manually doing the steps myself

    Any suggestions?




  • Can't you just create a job, with DBCC CHECKDB('MYDB')?

    Make sure you create and output txt file to capture the output (on Advanced Tab)

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