How do I stop replication on a server before it is rebooted?

  • Please can someone tell me the best way to stop replication on both publisher and subscriber servers before one or both of them is rebooted? We have had timeout issues and currently have to manually stop and start the replication agents for it to start working again. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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  • To stop replication before you reboot server - stop SQL Server Agent on Distributor.

    What kind of timeouts do you have? Can you give more information? Do your replication agents have option -Continuous

  • yes, the distributor is where the replication agent resides.  stopping SQL Server Agent will stop the replication threads.  You can also stop them individually by going into the replication monitor folder and manually stop them one-by-one.  Sounds like you might have a deeper problem if you can't even seem to get through a reboot without replication crapping out on you.

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