How to locate and kill all active connections?

  • I am trying to migrate (copy) a database from Server A to Server B using the CDW Feature. I am receiving "Failed DBName Has 1 Active Connection". I have done the Sp_Who and Kill Commands but I am still getting this message. All users are off the database. Is there something I am missing? Should I try stopping the SQL Agent Service? What other method may I use to check for active connections? (We have SQL Server 2000, SP3.)

    Thanks in advance, Kevin

  • Use this will kill all connections and take the database off line before anyone can re-attach to it.  

    Have Fun



    Declare @tblConnectedUsers Table ( SPID  int  &nbsp

    Declare @vcSQLText  varchar(200), @iSPID   int

    --Get the currently connected users

    Insert into  @tblConnectedUsers

       Select p.spid

         from master.dbo.sysprocesses p (nolock)

          join master..sysdatabases d (nolock) on p.dbid = d.dbid

       Where d.[name] = 'BJCDEMOESS' --> database name here

    --Loop though the connected users and kill their connections

    While 1 = 1


     Select top 1 @iSPID = SPID

     From  @tblConnectedUsers

     Where SPID > IsNull(@iSPID, 0)

     order by SPID asc

    -- break when there are no more SPIDs

     If @@RowCount = 0


    --Build the SQL string

     Set @vcSQLText = 'Kill ' + Convert(varchar(10), @iSPID)

     Exec( @vcSQLText )    


    alter database BJCDEMOESS set offline


  • Use this will kill all connections and take the database off line before anyone can re-attach to it.  

    Have Fun



    Declare @tblConnectedUsers Table ( SPID  int)

    Declare @vcSQLText  varchar(200), @iSPID   int

    --Get the currently connected users

    Insert into  @tblConnectedUsers

       Select p.spid

         from master.dbo.sysprocesses p (nolock)

          join master..sysdatabases d (nolock) on p.dbid = d.dbid

       Where d.[name] = 'BJCDEMOESS' --> database name here

    --Loop though the connected users and kill their connections

    While 1 = 1


     Select top 1 @iSPID = SPID

     From  @tblConnectedUsers

     Where SPID > IsNull(@iSPID, 0)

     order by SPID asc

    -- break when there are no more SPIDs

     If @@RowCount = 0


    --Build the SQL string

     Set @vcSQLText = 'Kill ' + Convert(varchar(10), @iSPID)

     Exec( @vcSQLText )    


    alter database BJCDEMOESS set offline


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